Monday, April 20, 2009

april 19th - a BFF birthday party!!!

Meghan went to her first friend birthday party today.  She was so excited!!!!  She laid out her dress and shoes last night and we went shopping at Walmart yesterday to pick out her gift.  Meghan woke up this morning begging to leave, but the party didn't start until 2pm.  She wore her dress all day long!!  We got the present wrapped and Meghan made her a card.  Meghan asked me to do her hair {I nearly fainted} and put on her purple Hello Kitty necklace and bracelet that matched her purple dress.  She found a purple bow for her hair and carried a purple Little Mermaid purse with her.  She was adorable and so thrilled to go to Charlotte's party!!!  These girls truly love each other and share a love of horses, too.  Meghan had a great time and was so happy to celebrate Charlotte's birthday with her!!!!

april 18th - ready to {garden}

I always get eager to put in the garden this time of year.  I should probably already have some in, but I don't...oh well.  I like to do radishes and kolrabi early in the spring.  I have good luck with cucumbers, green peppers and roma tomatoes, also.  I love to make freezer pickles....there is nothing better with a grilled burger.  I am going to try green beans again this summer and the kids begged for pumpkins again.  We'll have to stake off half an acre...last time we did gourds and pumpkins, they nearly over took the entire yard.  We'll probably do a few onions again, too.  We have a small space, but it is just enough to keep up plenty of produce for us right now.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

april 17th - mom's night {OFF} - kinda...

I can't hardly see straight by Friday sometimes....and the last thing that I want to do is spend the night in the kitchen.  I really love to cook and bake, but sometimes I just want to relax!  I told Jory last night that tonight (Friday) I was bringing home pizza and we would do popcorn and watch a movie.  So...we stopped at Godfather's on the way home!!! Yeah....we got home right before 6pm, supper was over with at 6:30 and the kids played and played in the yard.  Most of the time we are just finishing supper by 7:30 or 8, so this was a real treat.  Jory didn't get home until almost 8, but he ate quickly and the popcorn was ready!!!  Meg drug her stick horse and Annie Oakley hat with her everywhere and Aiden pushed the girls on the swings.  He's such a good big brother.  He can even do underdogs.  

The upload on this blog messes me up all the time...I wish the pictures above were in the opposite order. get the gest!!!

april 16 - a little time to {wind down}

Tonight was busy after school....both kids had baseball practice, mommy cheated and got BK for the kids to eat on the way home...we didn't get home until 7:50 after homework and getting ready for bed, I let the kids watch a little TV just to settle down a bit.  *big sigh*

april 15 - a {true} sign of spring!!!

Two summers ago, Jory and I decided to move the Japanese lilac bushes from right in front of the house to different locations that would allow them more space.  At the time, we thought we were nuts because it was the hottest days of the summer and we had to water the transplanted bushes like crazy.  We weren't really sure how they would and even last summer it was debatable.  I am pleased to say that it looks as if the transplant was successful, and after a season of recouperation....this bush is loaded with buds!!!!  I think it loves its new spot...and we do, too!!!

April 14 - Go Orioles!!!

Meghan is also enjoying baseball this year.  She has a ways to go in the throwing and catching department, but her enthusiasm and team spirit are contagious!!  I am preparing myself for the moment I catch her in the outfield chasing butterflies.  She is making quite a statement with the hot pink glove, too!!!!

april 13 - Papa Jim and Aiden!!!

Aiden resembles Jory a great deal...his hands, his feet, his love of the farm and many of his mannerisms...but there is another special man that my son reminds me dad!!!  When Aiden wears a blue shirt his eyes look just like my dads....when I see a picture of dad when he was little, their faces look so similar.  So, he is a wonderful blend of Hunerdosse and far too many ways to describe.  I hope when Aiden grows up he will grasp a true appreciation of the wonderful grandfathers and father that he has been blessed with.

april 12 - Happy Easter!!!!

Well, first of all...I have to say that little Cali is like a new woman today.  She woke up and danced around the house proclaim all kinds of Easter joy and begged to put her Easter dress on.  We had planned not to take her to church and out to mom and dad's due to her illness for the past two days, but when she woke up this morning, you would have never known that she had been sick. are pretty resiliant.  This is a picture of her at breakfast, where she promptly inhaled all of the components of the "BRAT" diet...except the rice.  The banana, applesauce and toast tasted good to her.

I just apologize now for the to was hard to narrow down the Easter shots.  The kids had such a great time today.  They truly enjoy being together!!!  Here we go....
It was pretty cold this morning, but the kids humored me with a photo op before loading up to go to church....awwwww......
This was the Easter Egg Hunt at Papa and Nana's house.....count them....there are only five.....hey Abbie...are you coming?
Everyone is ready.....Calyn has her eye on the purple egg in the foreground....
Abbie is driving off into the sunset....pretty much not caring about any sort of egg hunt....
Calyn is determined to get the purple egg....
and thrilled when she does....luckily there were no other children with their eye on the same one....
Pure JOY!!!
The boys were very focused in their hunt.....can they just stay young forever?
Meghan is pleased with her find so far.... Abbie is getting the hang of it....
Drew's loot is overflowing....
Beth had to take time out to sample some of the goods.....just like the squirrels who broke into two of grandpa's eggs and stole the candy....
Abbie had a great time riding the Mermaid scooter...
Great fun!!!!  We ate a lot, talked even more and a good time was had by all!!!!

april 11 - hi ho, hi ho, its off to the ER we go....

I didn't mention in yesterday's post that Calyn had been vomiting all day.  Yes, and her wonderful mother drug her all over Des Moines running the "have to" errands before Easter and taking Meghan to the dr.  She continued to vomit through the night last night and all day today.  See also only peed once in 24 hours...the clencher for deciding to take her to the ER was when I got her out of bed after she had vomited for the umpteenth time and tried to dress her, she wouldn't/couldn't stand up.  Her little eyes were sunk into her face and she just looked pathetic.  Jory and I decided that maybe a little fluids and some good anti puke medicine might turn her around, so off she and I went while Jory and the older kids went to Aunt Nee Nee's for Easter Supper tonight.  

Thankfully, our ER visit was as positive as it could possibly have been.  There was essentially no wait, Calyn was an exceptionally good girl despite getting poked four times to get the IV started.  (That was a pretty sure sign she was dehydrated).  I couldn't believe it, but she didn't move a muscle, never let out a peep, cry, whimper, nothing the entire time even during the IV attempts.  She had IV fluids over about four hours and by the end of that time she had a little bit of sparkle in her eyes.  Mommy was quite relieved, as was Papa Jim and Nana who came down and sat with us in the ER.  Once we got home, Daddy was equally overjoyed that Cali was Ok....we were both a bit nervous.  Funny how you respond differently when your own is sick!!!  Praise the Lord!!!

P.S.  mommy didn't have her camera, so the camera on the phone had to suffice...I know, I'm weird...who else would take a picture of her sick little daughter in the hospital bed.....

april 10 - my {meg}

Today's post is dedicated to my dear little Meghan!!!  I love this picture of her - she was in the horse barn at Wesley Woods getting ready to ride *big grin*!!!  This photo was actually taken a few weeks ago when we were out at the camp over spring break.  

Anyway, Meg has fought with her tonsils all winter long...cough, nasal drainage, sore throat, ear infection, cough...strep throat three times....anyway, I finally decided that it might be best to see about getting them taken out.  A week ago today, I had to get Meghan from school after they called because she was crying with an earache less than an hour after I dropped her off.  She was put on a different antibiotic and I made the appointment with her pediatrician to discuss the tonsil thing...well, after a week on the new medicine, her tonsils were literally half the size they had previously been, she was no longer snoring at night, and her voice was back to normal.  Praise God!!!  But I did feel a bit stupid as I talked to her dr. today....her throat looked completely normal and she was doing hopscotch on the tiles in the floor of the exam room!!!  So....the tonsillectomy is currently postponed....*whew*!!!!

april 9th - Go White Sox!!!

Aiden is playing on the White Sox little league team in Indianola.  He absolutely loves baseball as you can see from the grin on his face.  It amazes me what a difference a year makes.  He can actually catch the ball in his glove and his throwing and batting skills are much improved from last year.  It will be a busy season, but seeing how much he enjoys it makes it all worth it!!!  Of course mommy likes baseball, too!!!!

april 8 -"peeping" TOM!!!

You would think that living in the country would be somewhat private and secluded.  Jory always laughs at me for closing the blinds - like who would really be out there!!!  As you can see, there is a lot of timber in the back of our yard and really no neighbors in sight.  I think pulling the blinds is still a bit of the town girl coming out in me.  Anyway, Jory caught this guy peering in the windows downstairs the other day.  I was mighty proud that he would pull out his phone and snap a quick pic!!  He titled the picture himself...I was crackin' up!!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

april 7 - "can we walk down?"

Every night when I pull in the driveway the kids ask "Can we walk down?"  They want to get out of the van when I stop to get the mail and then run down the hill to the house.  I don't really know why, but they think this is great fun.  I'm not sure they even race really, but when the grass is really green, it is such a cute/pretty site to see them with their hair blowing and their little legs going on down the drive.  We haven't had any faceplants yet, thankfully....I imagine that every time they do this.  Of course, today when they got out, I had to say, wait a minute, wait a minute...and they all chime in together "mom's going to take our picture!!!"  They know me so well!!!

april 6 - the {red} medora 1

I'm sure you were in complete suspense yesterday wondering what the truck was like....ha ha....not really. it is...I think Jory really likes it....he hasn't quit smiling yet.  It really is a great truck...2007 with 12000 miles....what a deal.  We are so excited about the crew cab...let's face it, the kids are not getting any smaller and the old truck was so very cramped with all three of them in the little back seat.  After DWTS and baths tonight, we all were in our pajamas and I said to Jory, "go pull the truck out and lets take the kids for a spin" here we go in our jammies at 9pm...down the highway...the kids thought it was hilarious.  Oh, really need to quit it....I'll try to do better...........

april 5 - good bye ol' truck...we'll miss ya!!!!

Jory and I have been discussing trading his truck for quite a while.  I have been perusing the internet for a good used pickup and found one that would suit our needs quite well.  I was so surprised when Jory actually went to look at it...and he really liked it.  So, tomorrow is the big deal long {black} Medora've been good to us for 8 years.  The top picture is yet another example of a canvas that Meghan used for her art work...she carved her name with a rock into the side of daddy's truck a couple of years ago.....can you see the "M"?

april 4 - what a {day}!!!!

Well, baseball season is getting underway so I guess...hang on!!!!  Both Aiden and Meghan are playing little league this year and I am helping to coach Meghan's team.  They are on different leagues, so I have a feeling that we will be at the ball fields pretty much every night the month of May.  So, today started off with Aiden's ball practice at 10am, then Meghan had tumbling at 11am, then to Harrison's to get ball pants and cleats for Aiden.  He also had to have batting gloves (I figure I was terrible at batting so he needs all the help he can get!!!).  He actually got a great gift certificate for his birthday to Harrison's and the gloves are what he really had his heart set on.  As you can see he is pretty proud of them...and yes that is the urban boy hat...backwards.  After Harrison's we went to Dairy Queen for a quick lunch because then we had to go to a baby shower by 2pm.  We left there around 4pm and met daddy to drive to church at 5pm.  After church we went to Dicky Dugans on the south side to eat - good food by the way...we had never been there - and then on home.  Guess the kids had full bellies and totally conked out on the way home because this is what I found in the back of my van when we pulled in the garage.  The aren't faking at all....and don't you just love how Meg has her legs crossed so daintily!!!

april 3 - cali {buckets}

I really have no idea why or how she got this nick name, but at her day care sometimes they call her this.  Believe it or not, there are two little girls named Cali there.  Calyn is definitely developing her own sense of self...she can be quite persistent, she hates to have sticky hands (a girl after her momma's heart), she is a very fast runner, she can dribble a basketball like a true point guard in training, she is a very good colorer and she does very funny commercial and song interpretations.  She is a very soft hearted little girl who can't stand it if she thinks you are mad at her...sometimes she has to have a little hug to know that everything is ok.  Funny kiddo!!!!

april 2 - more {feet}

This picture was take with Julie's camera on Sunday the 29th of March.  She was experimenting with her camera and the focus.  Aiden was on the couch watching a movie on his DVD player.  Pretty much jus' chillin'!!!!

april 1 - no foolin' here!!!!

Aiden was in the van tonight and as he was wiping a smear off of one of his lenses, they snapped in two....literally.  Of course, it is after hours, and of course he isn't due for an eye exam until July, and of course he isn't due for new frames for another whole year, and of course I don't weld, and of course I can't bear the thought of sending him to school with duct tape on his glasses *insert mental image of the Revenge of the Nerds*...hmmm....those were about all the thoughts that ran through my mind....oh yeah and the fact that he has BASIC SKILLS TESTS next are we going to get them by then.  Well, since I am posting this 7 days after the fact, so I can tell you that we went to the eye dr. the next day and fortunately the company will stand behind the frames as they really shouldn't have broken.  The eye dr. office will order the new frames and have them overnighted and we'll have them by Friday and we can put his lenses in the new frames!!  Yeah!!!  I was so thankful that everything worked out to get them before his tests!!!

march 31 - a dog {moon}?

Calli was wound up tonight for some we were watching American Idol, so she went down to her bed and tromped up the stairs with all her animals in her arms.  I have no idea how she didn't fall.  I thought this was a cute picture of her, but cracked up as I looked a bit closer and saw how the pink dog was posed, and how she is peering under his tail.  I am surprised that there is any room for her in her bed with all these creatures!!!

march 30 - {swimmin'} in the tub

Just goin' for a little dip in the tub...can you tell I was hard pressed for a photo idea?

march 29 - a little quiet time...

I sneaked in to capture this little moment of Meghan's.  I thought it was pretty sweet, but my photo doesn't really do it justice.  She was just chillin' in her room reading.  Once she knew I was taking pictures she, of course, had to start posing, so the moment just lost something.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

march 28 - a bit of embarassment!!!

Mom always blesses the grandkids with sandals for the summer {thanks Nana!!!}  Today was the day that we got together to have the girls fitted at Stride Rite for their shoes.  Calyn went first...she tried one pair on....they fit her perfectly...they were her "favorites"...end of story.  Meghan went next and proceeded to take of her shoes and socks (we won't mention the condition of her toenails) and the saleslady says....."Did you step on a bug?"  At this point, I am absolutely mortified thinking that she actually has a dried, dead bug stuck to the bottom of her foot, so I quickly look and hmmmm......only Meg!!!  {see previous post regarding the "blank canvas"}  I think that "canvas" has a very broad meaning to Meghan!!!

march 27 - doing {life} together...CFC style

We had a wonderful time tonight at some friends' house.  A group of us from our church - Cornerstone Family Church - got together for great fellowship, laughter and food.  We had a wonderful time and at the end of an evening full of discussion, we all agreed to pray for a spiritual awakening in the body of Christ!!!  What a great impact we could make in society if we were all more alive in Him!!!!  Can't wait until we get together again!!!!

march 26 - BBQ meghan?

I made some barbecue chicken legs and thighs on the grill tonight...they were a big hit with the kids....especially Meghan, who dove right in not caring what got on her face or hands.  EWWWW is all I can say!!!  We have a bit of refinement to do before her dating years.  Luckily we have PLENTY of time to work on this!!!

march 25 - a little "artsy"

Meghan loves to draw, write, color...pretty anything related.  She especially loves to do this on her terms - no rules, suggested colors or any limits.  That makes the driveway a huge canvas of unlimited possibilities for her to {create}!!!

march 24 - a little {green}...

This gives me hope....of planting flowers, of hostas peeking through the ground, of putting in my vegetable garden, of swimming...oh so much to look forward to.  I love it when the pastures turn green and the leaves come out on the trees. 

 The funny part of this picture is that I had to lay down on my belly on the driveway to get the angle on this shot (luckily we live in the country so no one could really see me)!!!  The kids, however, came out and saw me in this unusual position and thought I was sick or was kind of funny....I think they actually do care about their momma!!!

march 23 - my little {urban} boy!!!

Aiden got this cool hat from Papa and Nana for his birthday...he picked it out when they took him shopping...I didn't know he thought that kind of thing was cool, but I must say he looks pretty cute!!  Whenever he isn't at school he has it on.....backwards!!!