Wednesday, April 8, 2009

april 4 - what a {day}!!!!

Well, baseball season is getting underway so I guess...hang on!!!!  Both Aiden and Meghan are playing little league this year and I am helping to coach Meghan's team.  They are on different leagues, so I have a feeling that we will be at the ball fields pretty much every night the month of May.  So, today started off with Aiden's ball practice at 10am, then Meghan had tumbling at 11am, then to Harrison's to get ball pants and cleats for Aiden.  He also had to have batting gloves (I figure I was terrible at batting so he needs all the help he can get!!!).  He actually got a great gift certificate for his birthday to Harrison's and the gloves are what he really had his heart set on.  As you can see he is pretty proud of them...and yes that is the urban boy hat...backwards.  After Harrison's we went to Dairy Queen for a quick lunch because then we had to go to a baby shower by 2pm.  We left there around 4pm and met daddy to drive to church at 5pm.  After church we went to Dicky Dugans on the south side to eat - good food by the way...we had never been there - and then on home.  Guess the kids had full bellies and totally conked out on the way home because this is what I found in the back of my van when we pulled in the garage.  The aren't faking at all....and don't you just love how Meg has her legs crossed so daintily!!!

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