Sunday, April 19, 2009

april 11 - hi ho, hi ho, its off to the ER we go....

I didn't mention in yesterday's post that Calyn had been vomiting all day.  Yes, and her wonderful mother drug her all over Des Moines running the "have to" errands before Easter and taking Meghan to the dr.  She continued to vomit through the night last night and all day today.  See also only peed once in 24 hours...the clencher for deciding to take her to the ER was when I got her out of bed after she had vomited for the umpteenth time and tried to dress her, she wouldn't/couldn't stand up.  Her little eyes were sunk into her face and she just looked pathetic.  Jory and I decided that maybe a little fluids and some good anti puke medicine might turn her around, so off she and I went while Jory and the older kids went to Aunt Nee Nee's for Easter Supper tonight.  

Thankfully, our ER visit was as positive as it could possibly have been.  There was essentially no wait, Calyn was an exceptionally good girl despite getting poked four times to get the IV started.  (That was a pretty sure sign she was dehydrated).  I couldn't believe it, but she didn't move a muscle, never let out a peep, cry, whimper, nothing the entire time even during the IV attempts.  She had IV fluids over about four hours and by the end of that time she had a little bit of sparkle in her eyes.  Mommy was quite relieved, as was Papa Jim and Nana who came down and sat with us in the ER.  Once we got home, Daddy was equally overjoyed that Cali was Ok....we were both a bit nervous.  Funny how you respond differently when your own is sick!!!  Praise the Lord!!!

P.S.  mommy didn't have her camera, so the camera on the phone had to suffice...I know, I'm weird...who else would take a picture of her sick little daughter in the hospital bed.....

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