Sunday, April 19, 2009

april 12 - Happy Easter!!!!

Well, first of all...I have to say that little Cali is like a new woman today.  She woke up and danced around the house proclaim all kinds of Easter joy and begged to put her Easter dress on.  We had planned not to take her to church and out to mom and dad's due to her illness for the past two days, but when she woke up this morning, you would have never known that she had been sick. are pretty resiliant.  This is a picture of her at breakfast, where she promptly inhaled all of the components of the "BRAT" diet...except the rice.  The banana, applesauce and toast tasted good to her.

I just apologize now for the to was hard to narrow down the Easter shots.  The kids had such a great time today.  They truly enjoy being together!!!  Here we go....
It was pretty cold this morning, but the kids humored me with a photo op before loading up to go to church....awwwww......
This was the Easter Egg Hunt at Papa and Nana's house.....count them....there are only five.....hey Abbie...are you coming?
Everyone is ready.....Calyn has her eye on the purple egg in the foreground....
Abbie is driving off into the sunset....pretty much not caring about any sort of egg hunt....
Calyn is determined to get the purple egg....
and thrilled when she does....luckily there were no other children with their eye on the same one....
Pure JOY!!!
The boys were very focused in their hunt.....can they just stay young forever?
Meghan is pleased with her find so far.... Abbie is getting the hang of it....
Drew's loot is overflowing....
Beth had to take time out to sample some of the goods.....just like the squirrels who broke into two of grandpa's eggs and stole the candy....
Abbie had a great time riding the Mermaid scooter...
Great fun!!!!  We ate a lot, talked even more and a good time was had by all!!!!

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