Thursday, October 22, 2009

july 18th - cool chic!!

Calyn was sportin' some serious shades this morning!! Having the breakfast of champions...a Casey's donut!!! She loves them with sprinkles, please!!!!!

july 17th - s.s.....

S.S. and I go way back. Like probably half my life.

He has seen me dishwater blonde, way blonde, long, short, happy, sad, mad,....and now graying!!!!! I go in every six weeks for a cut, sometimes some highlights and usually a movie review or two, a teensy bit of world problem solving and a whole lot of laughing.

Thanks're the best!!!!

july 12th - my bff and her peeps....

I had the honor of going to visit Amy and her family today. Got to take some fun photos, chase Cael around and try to get him to smile, and love on baby Schae. What great is the slide show of the day.

july 19th - finished....finally!!!

I didn't share the first attempt at painting my laundry was bad. Really.bad!!!! I started out with yellow for the walls. It was like lemon-ice-cream-lick-me-yellow. B.A.D!!!! I really loved the material for the valence and that was what I was trying to match. But the yellow just didn't work. I guess yellow paint is hard to get right. I wish I would have known that before I started. I decided that I just couldn't do laundry and iron with sunglasses on, so I went for the tealish, bluish, greenish color, and I really like it. It is cool and fresh and sets off the valence nicely. I used a red rug on the floor and the green fabric bins. They really don't have a purpose, just color and decoration. (I'm still trying to get Jory to understand the concept of "decorating" a laundry room!! To him, I think this is like "decorating" the garage or a barn. A functional place doesn't have to be pretty!!!) Anyway, the surprise of all of this is.....*sit down*.....I made the valence. Three entire seams or lines or whatever, no lining, nothing fancy, but it looks alright. I couldn't believe it myself, matter of a fact, still can't.

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july 9th - sweeeeet corn!!!!!

We love sweet of our most favorite things about summer. This was our first feast of the year!!! MMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!
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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

july 7th - off to the zoo....

I decided to brave the zoo today with all 5 kids. They did really well. We got sprinkled on a couple of times, but other than that it was fairly cool and an ideal day to take in the zoo. There are quite a few photos on this post, so bear with me...and I seem to have been in a "take a picture from behind" mood today, too. I just always think kids are so cute when they are interested in something and completely unaware that someone is watching them.

Drew was trying to get jazzed about his picture being taken...can't you tell!!!
We brought in a little snack to have while we were there. Rice krispie bars and water...mmmmm.....
Beth will love me for this picture some day....she is even adorable with her mouth full!!!!
Aiden was enjoying the sea lions here...that was my favorite, too.
Backsides again...I know, I know...but aren't they cute. Calyn was absolutely petrified to come in this area. She thought the lion could get her....
Follow the "yellow brick road"....from behind again....
Contemplating life here.....

Aiden liked the aquariums, me, well I was trying to figure out how to take a decent picture in a dark room with lit aquariums. Didn't quite get it figured out, but improved.
Awwww.....can you see Beth's legs between Drew's....she's in there somewhere!!!!
Trying to pose for a little photo op, but the smiles were hard to come by!!!
We had a great day. Hopefully we can make this a tradition....cousin time each summer....get ready Abbie....maybe you'll get to come next year!!!! Love you guys!!!!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

july 6th - some serious cousin time!!!!

This is truly a "mamarazzi" post, so bear with me!!! These kids are so much fun and have such a blast when they all get together. Thanks to Uncle Bryan and Aunt Jenyse for sharing Drew and Beth for a couple of days....can't wait 'til the next time!!!

This is them doin' their thing at the pool....

This kid {Calyn} cracks me up with her quirky little smile!!!
Drew on the (don't tell daddy) pink slide!! Great fun!!!
Too cute for words.....
Ok, this really isn't as bad as it seems...I rode the four wheeler with Aiden...max speed 7.5 mph...all hands, heads and other appendages inside the trailer {aka hoopie as Jory's mom called it} at all times. Just remember kids...what happens at Aunt Shell's stays at Aunt Shell's!!!

We actually had quite the enjoyable ride through the pasture touring the farm. We were trying to scope out some bovine, but they were all seeking shelter in the shade today. Maybe next time...

Aiden showing Drew (and Meghan) the auger. Wish I could have overheard this conversation.

Beth picking apples at the farm....

Drew found him some apples, too...
We had quite a sink full when we got home. I had the bright idea of making the kids homemade applesauce.....none of them would eat it.....I tried it, too. It wasn't that good.....that is until I added some more sugar!!! So much for natural and healthy!!
Meghan and Calyn picked their share of apples, too.

july 5th - 40th Anniversary Party!!!

Happy Anniversary - finally- to mom and dad. Forty years...whew!!!!! That is a long time, guess that means that I am getting older, too. Their actual anniversary was June 7th, but due to scheduling issues, the party had to wait until July 5th.

We just about didn't pull this off, because mom and dad sniffed it out....we were trying to surprise them a little bit, but that didn't work very well. I hope they had a good time, we had a great bunch of people...mainly family, but it was really neat to have Pastor George and Norma Thurman there to help celebrate. They married mom and dad all those years ago and have been part of every great milestone in our family. I attribute much of my current spiritual life with the seeds that were planted under their ministry. What an honor to have them in our home!!!!

This picture is of mom and Marilyn Turner. Mom and Dad's friendship with the Turners goes WAY back...I think today we would call them BFFs!!!

Now, just imagine for one moment, trying to assemble 7 children under the age of 7 and six adults all together for a picture....uh guessed it.....mass chaos!!!!!! There are several funny outtakes, but I chose the best two to share with you. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!

Fourth of July!!!!!!

We spent the Fourth of July at Jane and Alan's....yummy food, great company and the neighbors had fireworks....shhhh...don't tell. Taking photographs of fireworks takes a lot of practice....obviously, not my strong point at all, but you get the image I was trying to capture here....use your imagination for the rest!!!!!

july 2nd - the piano/dining/whatever room

These are the new bookshelves in the new piano/photography room. I will display some photos on these.
Not sure I am loving the curtains, but they were way cheap at Target and will do for now. The rug was the inspiration for pulling the room together. That is a Pottery Barn find.
The other corner here will have a "pleather" club chair and ottoman from Target and the Photographer's lamp from PB.
Check back for more posts when the room is complete.

july 1st - what?!?!?!

No words needed for this photo!

june 30th - surprise!!!!!!!

So....we had previously been granted daddy's permission to get "earrings", but had not had a good opportunity nor the right frame of mind to get this done. One daughter {Calyn}, has been asking for weeks to get her ears pierced....the other, yeah...well....she was not keen on the idea. A couple of days ago (when we were shopping for the room redo) I told Calyn that we could get her ears pierced while we were at the mall. THRILLED.....that is exactly how she was!!! So we went to Claires at Jordan Creek and talked with the lady at the store...unfortunatly she was the only one working that could pierce ears. I had kind of wanted them to be done simultaneously, I guess it was now or never, today. Calyn would not have any part of leaving that store without earrings. Determined girl, she is!!!! So she did great....they pierced each ear separately and she didn't let out one single whimper. She is little, but she is tough!!! The kids and I all trekked back to the truck and got in and all buckled when Meghan pipes up.....not to be out done, I guess. She wants her ears pierced. We had a very frank, truthful discussion about it hurting, you can't back out, we have to walk all the way back in there...etc. etc.!!! She was up for off we all go, back to Claires. {Aiden, I have to say was quite tolerant of all things girly today....what a sport!!!} I did give Meghan one last chance to back out, but she didn't want to. I told her that I would hold her down if we had to, that there was no turning back. So.......she tried to brave it out in the chair by way too nervous........sat on mommy's lap.......tried to be brave...........mommy had to put the head lock on........but we got er done!!!!! She cried, but only because I think she thought it was the thing to do and she was so relieved to have it done. I think secretly she wanted earrings, but didn't want to got through the pain. Oh dear......
This is Calyn, sacked out after our marathon day....I like this picture because it shows her little skin tag that she was born with. I tell her it is God's little special gift to her to remind her that there is no one else in the world just like her.
And Meghan.....looking pretty asleep, but actually faking it!!!!!!! Their little earrings are darling!!!!!!!!

june 29th - my handy hubby...

I always tell the kids that "daddy can fix anything"....I'm not sure that he appreciates that, but it really is a complement. He is very handy at a lot of the farm and at home. This is a picture of his "little" project from yesterday. He had been saving up to purchase some outside landscaping lights for our house.!!!!! The go all along the rock wall, in front of the house and then between the front step and the garage. They look great!!!! He even put some different type in on the lower part of the rock wall to really set off the rocks. My hubby "rocks"!!!!

june 28th - meghan lost something....

Well, first off all...I went shopping....trying to pull the dining room/piano room/catch all room into something attractive and usable. All before company comes next month. I work better under keeps me focused. Stay tuned for pictures as they develop...

Meghan did loose something, and no, it's not a tooth!!! Yet, anyway!!! Last weekend when we were up at mom and dads, I noticed that when Meghan was riding her bike that the training wheels were not making any contact with the ground. So this weekend we asked Daddy to take them off and see how she did...of course she took right off, leaving the training wheels in the dust.

More exciting news to come from today in upcoming posts....I know it is kind of anticlimactic since it is now 3 1/2 months later, but I am doing my best to get caught up. I might skip a few months and then finish out the year strong!!!

June 25th - Slip slidin' away....

Today was a great day to play with the slip n slide in the back yard. It is amazing how much entertainment a cheap little toy like that can bring to a summer afternoon!!! The kids had a ball....I mean a splash!!!!!

June 22nd - Chef in the making???

Meghan was really hungry at lunch today, and I just wasn't quite quick enough, so she decided to make her own sandwich....I think she thought the Miracle Whip was frosting!!!!!! Project 365 is helping me to cherish moments like this, instead of worrying about the mess and inconvenience....why not grab the camera and preserve the memory. We'll appreciate it someday!!!!

June 21 - Happy Father's Day

After spending yesterday in Stuart with my dad, we were able to spend this afternoon at Hickory Hills with Pampa Wayne. Jory was working, unfortunately, but Jane's family and the kids and I had a great time getting together with Wayne. We played catch, ladder ball and some crazy game where you dump ice on each other. I sat that one out....actually, I threatened anyone who came near me with ice while I had my camera in hand. Good defense mechanism don't you think!!!!

June 20th - Good Egg Days

Growing up, I have such fond memories of Good Egg Days. I know, that sounds like such a weird name for a town celebration, but it fits, really. Stuart, my home town, is known for its motto of "Home of 1600 good eggs, and a few stinkers". Believe it or not, its true!!!! I always try to get the kids back to town for the day. It is so much fun to see people I don't get to see very often. The kids ride in the parade with Papa Jim on the bank float and it is always good for some cousin time with Drew and the girls!!!

This photo was published the following week in the Stuart Herald for the First State Bank ad with the caption "Make all your dreams come true at the First State Bank". It was really hot this day, but Mickey and Minnie were great sports about posing for a picture with the cousins!!!