Tuesday, October 20, 2009

july 7th - off to the zoo....

I decided to brave the zoo today with all 5 kids. They did really well. We got sprinkled on a couple of times, but other than that it was fairly cool and an ideal day to take in the zoo. There are quite a few photos on this post, so bear with me...and I seem to have been in a "take a picture from behind" mood today, too. I just always think kids are so cute when they are interested in something and completely unaware that someone is watching them.

Drew was trying to get jazzed about his picture being taken...can't you tell!!!
We brought in a little snack to have while we were there. Rice krispie bars and water...mmmmm.....
Beth will love me for this picture some day....she is even adorable with her mouth full!!!!
Aiden was enjoying the sea lions here...that was my favorite, too.
Backsides again...I know, I know...but aren't they cute. Calyn was absolutely petrified to come in this area. She thought the lion could get her....
Follow the "yellow brick road"....from behind again....
Contemplating life here.....

Aiden liked the aquariums, me, well I was trying to figure out how to take a decent picture in a dark room with lit aquariums. Didn't quite get it figured out, but improved.
Awwww.....can you see Beth's legs between Drew's....she's in there somewhere!!!!
Trying to pose for a little photo op, but the smiles were hard to come by!!!
We had a great day. Hopefully we can make this a tradition....cousin time each summer....get ready Abbie....maybe you'll get to come next year!!!! Love you guys!!!!!

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