Sunday, October 18, 2009

july 5th - 40th Anniversary Party!!!

Happy Anniversary - finally- to mom and dad. Forty years...whew!!!!! That is a long time, guess that means that I am getting older, too. Their actual anniversary was June 7th, but due to scheduling issues, the party had to wait until July 5th.

We just about didn't pull this off, because mom and dad sniffed it out....we were trying to surprise them a little bit, but that didn't work very well. I hope they had a good time, we had a great bunch of people...mainly family, but it was really neat to have Pastor George and Norma Thurman there to help celebrate. They married mom and dad all those years ago and have been part of every great milestone in our family. I attribute much of my current spiritual life with the seeds that were planted under their ministry. What an honor to have them in our home!!!!

This picture is of mom and Marilyn Turner. Mom and Dad's friendship with the Turners goes WAY back...I think today we would call them BFFs!!!

Now, just imagine for one moment, trying to assemble 7 children under the age of 7 and six adults all together for a picture....uh guessed it.....mass chaos!!!!!! There are several funny outtakes, but I chose the best two to share with you. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!

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