Thursday, October 22, 2009

july 19th - finished....finally!!!

I didn't share the first attempt at painting my laundry was bad. Really.bad!!!! I started out with yellow for the walls. It was like lemon-ice-cream-lick-me-yellow. B.A.D!!!! I really loved the material for the valence and that was what I was trying to match. But the yellow just didn't work. I guess yellow paint is hard to get right. I wish I would have known that before I started. I decided that I just couldn't do laundry and iron with sunglasses on, so I went for the tealish, bluish, greenish color, and I really like it. It is cool and fresh and sets off the valence nicely. I used a red rug on the floor and the green fabric bins. They really don't have a purpose, just color and decoration. (I'm still trying to get Jory to understand the concept of "decorating" a laundry room!! To him, I think this is like "decorating" the garage or a barn. A functional place doesn't have to be pretty!!!) Anyway, the surprise of all of this is.....*sit down*.....I made the valence. Three entire seams or lines or whatever, no lining, nothing fancy, but it looks alright. I couldn't believe it myself, matter of a fact, still can't.

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