Saturday, January 31, 2009

January 30 - Kids with Casey event...

The event tonight went off fabulously!!! I have to say it was organized mass chaos, if you know what I mean. There were over 250 kids preregistered and I don't know how many registered at the door. It was really well organized, the parental and community support was tremendous and I think the kids had a great time!!! Casey was a great sport...he posed for pictures, signed literally hundreds of autographs and answered questions from the kids. Victory Christian Academy was well represented!!! My prayer is that each child not only had a good time, but also was ministered the love of Christ in some special way.

Here are a few more shots from the night...
This is my friend Shanna with Meghan after dolling her up at the Libby Lu station!!! I think she put 10 years on my daughter...*eye roll*...look out!!!
Calyn is sharing a hot dog with daddy...
This is a glimpse of the eating area and {part} of the crowd...
Here is Aiden with his buddy Andrew. Andrew's mom, Elizabeth Winjum, spearheaded this event....thank you Liz!!!!!Meghan and her best friend from school, Charlotte. Charlotte loves horses, too, and is looking mighty cute Libby Lu - i - fied!!!I thought this was a cool shot of Casey on the big screen and Casey in person....

Again, kind of a cool shot...{Blake} time three...on the big screen...on the stage and on the guy's shirt in front of the camera. The gal next to Casey is a "queen" from something...not sure what honor was bestowed on her, but she did a great job helping Casey out with the question and answer session.

That is all for tonight. Check back tomorrow because if you haven't noticed, the weekends at our house are usually good for some whacky story or picture{s}!!! Bet you're on the edge of your seat already!!!

Oh, and my Thursday picture is just of my 365 album...not too exciting, so I decided not to put it on my blog. Julie and I got together that day to work on it again, but time got away from us (imagine that) and I didn't get a picture of both of us. These pictures are for Friday (even though they were posted on Saturday) and tomorrow (Sunday) I will post both todays and tomorrows pictures....woah...I am way confused, so I am sure you are too....well, I guess it is after me some slack!!!


January 28 - Happy Birthday {grammy}!!!

Today's post is in memory of "grammy" (Jory's mom). Today is her birthday, so we sang happy birthday grammy on the way home tonight. Then I got home and saw Amber's post and thought, what a great idea to go back to the archives. So, here are some pictures of the kids with grammy - we love you and miss you!!!!!!! Luckily, we have a little flavor of you each day with little miss meg!!! Her humor lots of times leaves us shaking our heads saying "there's a little bit {read: a lot} of her grammy in her!!!!"

January 27 - Sledding anyone?

This was a quick, impromptu sledding party outside the front door this week (notice no snowpants). It was finally warm enough to go out for just a bit. What is it about snow and kids? They just love it. Even riding their bikes in it!?!?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

January 26 - {Geo Trax}

We regularly have the Geo Trax set up downstairs in the play room. We have enough trains that daddy and the kids, or should I say all the kids, can play at the same time. Aiden even got the airplane one (the blue swirly in the middle) for Christmas. Aiden has been collecting the pieces since he was two (thank you Unc and Nee Nee and the clan) and I am not sure who has had the most fun...daddy or Aiden. My only problem....this whole elaborate set up is on the floor one foot in front of the door to my scrap there have been several associated injuries and near misses, luckily none of which were witnessed!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

January 25th - lazy...{laid back} sunday...

We had a great day today...the kids and I were home all day with no where to go. We {love} those days!!! I usually make eggs for breakfast (today we had sausage, too)...mmmmm.....
I had a lot of catch up work around the house to do, and amazingly the kids went off and played and did their own thing! One of which involved this ginormous box that our tv came in. Daddy made it into a house and it has proved to be loads of fun!! The kids decided they would put this "house" on Aiden's bed and they all three sat in there and watched a movie on Aiden's dvd player (see the cord coming out of the door). They didn't even fight once. Of course here came mom with the camera to photodocument the event!!!
On a side note...Julie and I were up way to late tonight figuring out how to do masks, brushes and overlays on Photoshop....we did finally figure it out...yipee!!! So tomorrow's picture may be my dead dog tired face at 5am!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

January 24th - "Mom, I'm goin' {poop}!!!

Meghan and Calyn were playing Barbies a bit earlier, so I was just listening to what they were saying. Meghan was the mommie and was making goulash in the kitchen of the Barbie Party Bus that Calyn got for Christmas. Calyn was the little girl named "Charla" and evidently had to go to the bathroom before supper {a familiar theme at our house}. All I hear is this comment from {Charla} - "mom, i'm goin' poop!!!!" I had to run and grab my camera!!!!! No privacy for {anyone} in this house!!!

January 23 - {serious} scrappin'!!!

We had some fabulous cousin time the local Archivers store. It's always neat to hang out together and drool over all the cool stuff in the store. We did actually get something done, too. We also found some really cool stuff for our Project 365 books. Julie and I have about the exact same taste...we must be pretty amusing to watch!! Workin on the next date to get together!!!!!!!! Definitely with Hot Tamales!!!!

January 22nd - "Chip Eyes"

Meghan is usually quite never quite know where her imagination is going to lead her...and those around her. This is what she came up with tonight at supper...Calyn thought it was hilarious, too. Thanks, Meg, for keeping things light hearted....but I still expect you to dress yourself in the morning and muster up some sort of table manners most of the time!!! Love ya!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January 21st - Finishing up the History Fair project - finally!!

I'm learning some things about myself this week...*smile*
a) pretty sure I couldn't home school my kids without a plain ol' miracle taking place
b) patience is very difficult when watching a 1st grader write a "report"
c) my ideas aren't always the same as Aiden's
d) we don't really always have to do mommy's ideas
e) there is some pressure associated with 1st grade homework....agh....(what will jr. high be like?!?!)
So, Aiden's History project on Hawaii is completed. Neither one of us have any wounds to show for it, but it was close last night when he dumped a glass of water on his maps of the Hawaiian islands. Actually, I really learned a lot....about Hawaii, but also about my son. He's got great ideas, he's thoughtful and dedicated. He wants to do a good job!! He really committed himself to seeing this through. He stayed on task (probably better than mommy) and came up with a great project!! I'm proud of Aiden and his hard work!!
You may also notice that this picture is not as yellowish as some previous ones. I am experimenting with white balance and trying to get that concept down on my camera. Hoping it will help my photos to turn out a bit brighter!!

January 20th - The not so {happy} bath!!!

Calyn really does like a bath, but sometimes we have a little disagreement between her and daddy about who should get their hair washed first. I guess daddy won and Calyn wasn't too happy!!! Better luck next time babe!!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

January 19th - Brusha Brusha Brusha!!!

Just a little different angle on the nightly toothpaste smearing, foaming, spitting, gargling, brushing escapade. Pretty much cute doing even the most routine tasks!!

January 18th - CHIRP CHIRP

Julie will get the title to today's entry. Mom and Dad got me this great thing for Christmas...a Cricut. I love it.....not enough time to play with it, but I still love it. Aiden has a history project due this week in school, so we were getting it all ready this weekend. I used the Cricut to cut out all the letters for his title board. He did a great job putting them on the board. I am looking forward to doing more projects with the Cricut....chirp chirp!!!

January 17th - Guess who didn't go to bed for the sitter?

We actually had a baby sitter two nights in a row this past weekend. Jory's city Christmas party was Friday night and my clinic Christmas party was Saturday night. Jory was working on Friday night and actually got called out in the middle of the party...nothing unusual his partner's wife and I were "dates". When I got home, the fire alarm in the girls' room was beeping because the batteries were low. This had awakened Meghan and she was worried enough that there was no getting her back to bed. This promptly woke up Calyn who can't sleep in her room without Meghan. So I planted Meghan on the floor beside my bed (she wants noone touching her when she sleeps, which works out well because the other two could crawl inside of a person and still wouldn't be close enough). Calyn then bedded down on what WAS my side of the bed. Sure enough...about 10 minutes later here came we had a little slumber party in my bed on Friday night. Yipee!!!

Then on Saturday night, we had a new babysitter. She did a great job with getting the kids to bed....although Aiden went to bed, he didn't ever go to sleep. So, once Jess left and Jory and I were getting ready to go to bed, this was the sight we saw at the bottom of the stairs. You don't even have to guess where Aiden slept that night!


January 16th - Did you know that you can bake a cake with a lightbulb?

This was "dessert"....hardly requires a glass of milk to wash it down!!!
The kids have had a great time with the {Easy Bake Oven} that Meghan got for Christmas. Everything is easy, except having to share these dinky little cakes!!

January 15th - ZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!

I don't think it gets much better than this....and no they aren't faking it. This was Thursday evening after a long hard day of staying home playing!!! Mommy had been in DSM with Nana after she hurt her arm and daddy stayed home with the kids.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

{Karaoke} anyone?

Well, one of the gifts the kids received for Christmas was a karaoke machine and they have had a ton of fun with it. We just have to keep the volume at a decent level!!! In this picture, the kids were singing "Awesome God"!! Pretty precious!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

One of my most {favorite} things....

Yeah, I know, kind of a dumb post...but my dad will understand. It is always a sad time of year when you eat the last of the peppermint stick ice cream from the schwan man. He warned me last time he was here {see previous post} that this would be it. Now I have to wait 10 more months....I know, I know, there are other brands, but none compare to the mint green lightly peppermint flavored ice cream with the red and green crunchy candies throughout!!! MMMMMMM....time for a bowl now!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

More for Project 365

January 10th...This is my BFF Amy and our dear friend and mentor Kenny. We had the awesome privilege of having lunch with him and Debbie J. on Saturday. Amy and I have a long history with Kenny dating back to our first years on Stuart Rescue. Kenny spent a lot of time with us, teaching us the ropes, goofing off, running calls and having a ton of fun. We reminisced about those years...nights at the races, Good Egg Days parades, quirky calls and training sessions...I'm amazed at how those years and memories have shaped me into the health care provider I am today. Both Amy and I work in the health care field and are proud to say our roots and beginnings started (and really still are) right there in Stu - town.

Kenny is fighting ALS with everything in him...smarts, stubborness, strength and soul...he is doing an amazing job and we were humbled to share lunch and memories with him. Kenny...I hope you know that you had more to do with where us two little small town girls are today than you'll ever know. We love ya!!!


January 11th...I typically try to make eggs for the kids on a weekend morning...its kind of become a tradition. So I'm getting ready to fry the eggs and here come Meghan with this step stool to stand on. She does this a lot when I am cooking because she likes to watch. It sometimes frustrates me, however, because I nearly always end up tripping over it. So I said to Meghan, please don't stand here while I am cooking. {yes I was a bit irritated} She replied, very sweetly, "but mommy, I need to learn how you do that so that when I grow up and I'm a mommy I can cook eggs, too"....awwwww.....well, you know what happened....she stood and watched {critiqued} my egg frying abilities. I'm hoping maybe someday she'll do all the cooking!!!


January 12th...Here's a little informercial for ya'll....My kids go to Victory Christian Academy in Indianola....the school is struggling a bit during these tight times, so a group of parents has planned a fundraiser called Kids with Casey. Casey Blake, who plays baseball for the Dodgers, is from Indianola and his two oldest kids are in Aiden and Meghan's class at VCA. He has graciously agreed to help support this event and sign autographs and answer questions from the kids. There are lots of other activities on this evening, January 30th. It is going to be a great event!!! If you need any more info...please feel free to call me.

Well, that should get me all caught up for tonight...have a great week!!


Friday, January 9, 2009

Flying, screaming rocket balloons!!!

As you know from yesterday, Aiden's concert was rescheduled due to bad weather in December. Well, his Christmas party for his class at school was rescheduled, also. So they had that today and he came home with a bag full of goodies that included these {flying, screaming rocket balloons}. To sum up the 30 minutes of hilarity these brought home tonight, I'll leave you with these comments...daddy does the blowing up and nearly passes out...."more daddy, more daddy"...they definitely fly, they certainly do scream, but they look nothing like a rocket. See what you think...



Please note the flying, screaming rocket balloons at the top of the picture...{NOT} the laundry, sorting, folding menagere at the bottom left. *sigh*

My little miss Meghan was quite ill today. All was well when I put her to bed last night, but long about 1230 am I hear this horrible wretching coming from her room which means only one thing...yep...puke, bed, jammies...yuck. I felt so sorry for her. Our suspicions of strep were confirmed later and by tonight, although she is feeling a bit better, she has the nice strep rash goin' on. Lovely!! Well, anyway, I wanted to share this story, in honor of Meghan, from Thanksgiving on my blog for you all to enjoy....

I was asked to make the pies for Thanksgiving dinner at my SIL's house. I was more than glad, but a little bit nervous, because I knew that pumpkin was going to be expected. My MIL, who passed away a year and a half ago, made the best pumpkin pies. I had her recipe, but had never tried it got a new crust recipe from my day care provider and stayed up really late to make my crust one night. It turned out ok and I made an apple pie with two of the four crusts. I saved the other two in the fridge so that the following afternoon I could make the pumpkin filling and bake them. The next day I got off early, picked the kids up and we all came home. I fed them lunch and in the mean time made my pumpkin pie filling. The pies were baking and I put the girls down for a nap. When the pies were done baking, I set them out on the counter to cool...

the girls woke up from their nap...

I was in the bedroom folding laundry...

they are in the kitchen...and it is way too quiet...

Aiden comes into the bedroom and {reports} that meghan has used some scissors to sample .....MY PIES......AHHHH....

I tear into the kitchen to rescue my pies...only to see that she has not only used her scissors, but also broken off pieces of crust to gently {DIG} or should I say dip into the pie filling. Oh my goodness....I am about to have a heart attack.

I was so mad at her that I sent her to her room, partly so I didn't say something that I would regret and partly so I didn't hurt the little darling. I promptly called Jory to get some moral support....he LAUGHED!!!

So I called my photographer/scrapbooker partner in crime....and she so kindly says..."I know you are upset, but take a picture". Take a picture? I was shaking so bad I could hardly hold my camera.

I finally decided that I had better discuss this with Meghan, so I called her back to the kitchen. I asked her...what was going through your mind? Was there anything in you that said...maybe this isn't a good idea, or maybe mommy wouldn't like this?

Meghan thought a bit...and then very sweetly said..."Well, God was talkin' to me, but satan interrupted Him"....

the funny thing is she truly meant this...

in all I think back to this afternoon and these comments, how often does this happen to each of us...we know what the Lord wants us to do or say, but 'satan interrupts' and convinces our flesh to do otherwise....

just a little {food} for thought...

oh, and whipped cream fixes lots of boo boos...and the pumpkin pies were a hit!!!

Have a great weekend!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

'Tis the season.....for a rescheduled Christmas concert...

Aiden had his make up Christmas concert tonight at school. This bunch of kids did such a great job!!! Aiden's class (the first and second graders) were a bell choir. These kids practiced many hours to get this accomplished and they did a really wonderful job. They even wore choir robes. The Kindergarteners used these tube things that made different tones when struck called "boomwhackers"...just cute as can be. Makes a momma proud!!!


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

January 7th - Homework holder, junk jangler, treasure toter, paper packer!!!

These things have to be made of steel. I got Aiden's back pack when he first started preschool from Lands End. At the time I thought they were pretty proud of their back packs, but here we are four years later and the zippers all still work, his name is clearly legible, there are no holes...I am thinkin this was an alright investment. Meghan claimed pink and Calyn has her eye on the purple!!!

Sorry for the short and sweet, maybe boring post/adverstisement tonight...just got home from church, teeth brushed, hands and face washed and everyone is in bed....whew!!! I am certain that is where I am headed, too. Tomorrow is Aiden's make up Christmas concert...should be good material for the paparazzi {aka mother}!!!!


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Any cure for the common gray hair{s}!?!?

I think that I am having a much harder time with this than I did with turning 25!!! What in the world? All I can say is "thanks mom"!!!

Trichotillomania: an irresistible urge to pull out your own hair

Sometimes I feel this way even when not seeing gray hairs!!!

I am qualified to self diagnose you know!!!

On to better are few more pictures from our Christmas break...

Does anyone else remember {shrinky dinks}? What a fun afternoon craft!! The kids had a ball and are still wearing the necklaces, charms and keychains they made. We will definitely be on the lookout for more kits. This one happened to be horses, which thrilled my little cowgirl Meghan!!!
Have a great rest of the week!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

What's for supper??? Tried and true, quick and easy, loved by all....psketti!!!!

I have been wanting to post for the Project 365 challenge, but I also want to share some other thoughts/moments/memories. I have a few from Christmas Break, so I will try to include them with some upcoming blog entries.

This is an absolute fav of mine - daddy and the kids playing games in the great room by the fire. He's such an awesome daddy!!!

Stay tuned for more in the next episode of "Guided by His Light" *smile*

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Project 365 - I think I can!?!?!

Well, my cousin Julie and I are quite intrigued with the concept of "Project 365". This is a neat way of documenting everyday life through pictures each day. My first reaction was excitement...then I experienced the overwhelming thought that I might just completely fail at this (in a very short period of time). The date is January 4th - Michelle. I can't even get my checkbook balanced regularly.

{note the date of the previous blog entry}

Anyway, I decided to give it a try and hope for the best. I think that I will be able to get a picture each day, but posting a blog entry each day might prove difficult. We'll see.

So, here is my attempt at documenting the days since the beginning of 2009. Enjoy!!!

January 2nd - Calyn: "Do I have enough lipstick, mommie"

January 3rd - My secret ice cream, chicken nugget, pizza delivery man sneaking away. {aka the schwan man}

Ok, so I'm already having trouble with the one picture thing...

January 4th....just hanging around on a lazy Sunday...

Trying to get a neat shot of the kids on the bed...

It's back to school tomorrow for the older two kids...that means back to gettinig up earlier, being more organized, and leaving the house on time!!! Wish me luck!!! See you tomorrow. ~shellieb