Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Any cure for the common gray hair{s}!?!?

I think that I am having a much harder time with this than I did with turning 25!!! What in the world? All I can say is "thanks mom"!!!

Trichotillomania: an irresistible urge to pull out your own hair wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn

Sometimes I feel this way even when not seeing gray hairs!!!

I am qualified to self diagnose you know!!!

On to better topics...here are few more pictures from our Christmas break...

Does anyone else remember {shrinky dinks}? What a fun afternoon craft!! The kids had a ball and are still wearing the necklaces, charms and keychains they made. We will definitely be on the lookout for more kits. This one happened to be horses, which thrilled my little cowgirl Meghan!!!
Have a great rest of the week!!!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! And sorry about your luck with the gray hair thing.... I think I've got a ways to go with that but then again with little Orban #2 on the way, it may happen sooner than I think!
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE this blog thing. Your pics are amazing. Keep on keepin on sister friend! Love ya. -Amy O
