Saturday, February 12, 2011

spectacular spectacles

   this family is now a glasses/contacts wearin' family!!!

we are 5 for 5 in that category


Aiden has been wearing glasses for over 2 years now
Cow whisperer since the age of 9
Me....age 5

the girls are the latest to join our little club
and they are sooooo excited about it...

I hate to burst their bubble, but just wait until it rains, 

or a ball smacks you in the face

or you wake up one morning at 13 and decide you look dumb in glasses...

I'm just sayin'

I thought I would share a photo of each of them in their new eyewear...

Meghan looks even more grown up!!!   And she insisted on a close up of her dangling tooth....just pull the thing already!!!  I can only hope that it gets stuck in her huge wad of hot pink bubble gum!!!

Aiden is the glasses pro!!!

we're not sure whether to call her Sally Jesse or what...
I typically refer to this style of glasses as the naughty librarians,
she is just too sweet to go there, so Sally it is...

Calyn loves her glasses!!!  We even had to shop around because she knew just what she wanted and we
weren't getting anything but just what she had in mind...

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