Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas 2010 - con't

The major unwrapping event at Nana and Papa's house.....let the drama begin!!!

Meghan was so excited about everything she got!!!

She might have been the ring leader of the screeching!!!

Drew got a new game for his DS...

Ella was talking on Uncle Jory's phone...

while it was still on his pants!!!

Meghan and her special handmade stocking from Aunt Jenyse and the the rest of the crew!!

Mass chaos of...

you guessed it...

American Girl craziness!!!!

*all sorts of excitement erupts at this moment*

I'm uessing it must have been loud!?!?!

note Jory and Mom's faces!!!!

Calyn loves her Emily doll!!!

Meghan and her dearly loved Felicity!!

(for the record, mom, you started all this with the Felicity movie you got her a couple of years ago...
I think I might blame you for the horse addiction, too....Felicity loved her horse, Penny!!!)  LOL!!

Really, a Wii....really!?!?!?!?
I think Drew was totally surprised!!!!

Abbie and her Itty Bitty AG twin doll!!!

These next few of Meghan's expressions are priceless!!!

Aiden and his *ahem* Hawkeye rags...I mean clothes!!

(I'm surprised he was allowed to bring them home!!!)

Meghan's clothing gift...

Beth's clothes....

and Rebecca, her AG doll....
ah, Rebecca, I think there may be a slight wardrobe malfunction....

Aiden's new bike...with gears....he's totally ready for spring to get here!!!

Beth's blingy bag!!!!

And, Ella is not to be forgotten about her need for a purse, too!!!!  
She was so proud to be like the big kids!!!

Nana, Meghan and Felicity...Meg is totally in LOVE!!!!

Calyn and her doll Emily and Beth with Rebecca....
I think Rebecca had already had a wardrobe change at this point!!!!
Love the handbags on the shoulders, girls....

The newly formed American Girl doll club....

there was giggling, chanting, whispering and all things girly!!!


Ella had to get a birds eye view of me doing the dishes...

 for the record Miss other grandchild got away
with this particular stunt at Nana's house...

Well done, child...well done....

I believe we all might have loosened up just a bit!!!

Guess that is what happens by the time the 7th grandchild/son/daughter/niece/nephew
comes along....

Doesn't that always hold true for the youngest?  I think it might at my house....
and I'm pretty sure Bryan got by with WAY more than me growing up!!!!

We were very blessed to spend Christmas with our family!!
The kids always have a wonderful time together...just maybe not long enough!!!


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