Sunday, January 9, 2011

Choring with the Cow Whisperer

Today was a hodge podge kind of day...

Ballet for Calyn, Basketball for Aiden....

Meghan went to the farm with daddy while we did the Saturday morning
shuffle and got groceries....

Once home and fed, it was nearly time for the cows to have their afternoon tea, 
so daddy thought that we all should go and share in the lovliness of the day...

Calyn was and all

Daddy forgot to tell mommy (until we got to the shop, of course)
that Aiden would be chauffeuring mommy to the feed lots...

he was so very proud....

I was just a bit nervous...I am not ready for drivers ed with my 8 year old!!!!!

Once we got down a small stretch of highway to the lane, I was fine....I think....

This is daddy and the girls behind us with the silage wagon.

Another view for your enlightenment!!!

Cute middle daughter/welder...

Meghan thinks she is now the expert on welding because that is what she and Jory did 
this morning....Jory has been working very hard on building a new corral for working cattle....

Ok, it really wasn't awful, take your breath away cold, but the cows were putting off a lot of steam!!!

This is the where the cows eat during the winter....they eat the silage
 (see this post for full explanation if you like)
that was put up in the fall.
Notice the ground...I told the Cow Whisperer that what goes in looks quite a little
bit like what comes out...ewwwww....

I guess they don't seem to mind.

This is the loader tractor with a big bucket full of steaming stinkiness from the pit.

This will be loaded onto the silage wagon for morning chores...


Meanwhile, King of the Mountain was beckoning....

Chase even gets in on this game....

This is where Jory says lovingly...
"Honey, watch out for rats."


Children, get down from there now!!!!!!!!

Meghan is demonstrating to me how the cows get locked in the chute to get "worked"
...aka vaccinated.....

Do they make these for children?

I can think of many uses....
time out
force feeding vegetables
brushing hair

ok ok just kidding!!!

How sweet is this?
Meghan left a little love note for her daddy on a fence rail when they were working this morning...

"We are a teem Daddy Chase and Meghan"


The gang in chore clothes, having a Diet Coke after chores.

Hope you all have a great weekend.  
Looks like we'll be gearing up for a bit of snow 
in a couple of days!!!  
Hunker down!!!


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