Thursday, December 3, 2009

December 3rd - One Hundred Ninety Six

I'm sure this is super exciting news.

There is less than 200 acres of corn pick as of this very moment!!!!!!!!

That means that harvest will officially be done in just a couple more days!!!

You might think this picture was taken earlier this summer when most farmers are baling hay, but if you look closely....this isn't is corn stalks.

This is a tell tale sign of a frugal farmer...baling stalks after the corn is harvested. Almost all of our hay winter killed last year, so there was very little to bale this summer. Not near enough to feed 200 head of cattle all winter long.

Do ya' know what the going rate for a bale of hay is....lets just say there aren't any coupons in the Sunday paper for those!!!

So, I'm pleased to report (and the cows are relieved) that we baled 196 big round bales of corn stalks off of one of our farms. That's a whole lotta fiber!!!

Now the question is how many trips 7 miles south will it take to get them home???

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