Thursday, March 12, 2009

march 9 - reading at {nana's}

Mom had her surgery today and got along really well.  We got her home later in the afternoon and parked in her chair in the four seasons room.  Nurse hatchet *me* was in charge of feeding her pain pills and changing her ice pack.  All in all mom did super...they were able to fix her shoulder - thanks Dr. Quenzer and Dr. Honkamp - and gave her strict instructions to limit her activity especially for the next two weeks.  I know she has a lot of work ahead with therapy, but she's a trooper and I know she'll be back to lugging shopping bags in no time.  

I thought mom would probably {kill} me when she became coherent again if I posted a picture of her today.  So when I found Calyn reading in Nana's really cool favorite chair, I couldn't help but snap several photos of her.  She told the Cinderella story as she was looking at the pictures and then proudly announced how she "read" the book.  If you know mom, you know she LOVES to read, so this was sight that made her smile.

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