Sunday, March 8, 2009

march 7 - the {weekend} - finally!!!

Jory was able to spend the afternoon working on installing our sound system downstairs.  We had a great family day - the first day in months with absolutely no where to go!!!!  One for the record books.  Anyway...he had lots of help from the kids in between playing dress up (hence meg being sans clothing) and scrapbooking.  Yes, I am corrupting my children - even Aiden!!! *smile*  
When we were building the house, Jory did all the wiring and planned well for the surround sound.  He left wires in the ceiling hanging through so he would know where they were.  Now, five and a half years later, we are installing the speakers which when we were building he assumed would be the hangy down type, but after researching what he wanted more, he decided to get the flush mount ceiling ones.  Whatever...I don't have an opinion!!!  He was very aprehensive about cutting an 8 inch diameter HOLE in the ceiling, but after measuring and remeasuring, he went at it.  This prompted Calyn to ask "Why are you cutting a hole in the woof  and throwing it in the garbage, daddy?"  So cute!!!  She can't say her Rs vewy well...ha...anyway, for those of you who know Jory, you know that when he does something, he does it very meticulously and thoroughly.  So imagine when we built the house, him thinking that if we were to have the hangy down speakers he would want something to secure them to in the ceiling rather than just drywall.  Oh there are 2x6s above the place where the wire comes through the ceiling that are like screwed, cemented and whatever else in place.  He joke that he must have thought the speakers would each weigh 50 pounds!!!  Needless to say, Jory was as amused at himself as he was irritated.  So he sawed through them and took the necessary area of the 2x6 out in pieces to make the flush speakers work.  They look great and as usual he did a fabulous job.  This leads me {finally} to explaining the pictures below.  Aiden got worried with the pieces of wood falling that he went and got his hard hat - hilarious!!! Then Meghan took a break from playing dressup to come using her hard hat to "catch" the pieces in a very girly way *note the hand on the hip*!!!

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