Sunday, March 8, 2009

march 6 - SCRAP MANIA!!!!

So Jules and I went back to Archivers tonight for a marathon scrap session...she was way more productive than I.  I seem to get so distracted there - maybe it is all the great {stuff} to look at in the store!!!  I secretly think I might have ADD -  I just get to jabbering and looking around and can't really figure out what I want to would think a place like that would stimulate some creative juices, but no for me...just an overwhelming feeling of I don't know what!!!  
We are quite an interesting pair with our Office Max rolling boxes (just for the record...this is the {one} thing that I had BEFORE her!!!)  LOL!!!  I actually bought it for work to help with the massive amount of dictations I have to do, but I don't seem to need it as much there and it is mighty useful for the scrapping sessions.  Our scrap outings have taken on a common theme of recent.....{hot tamales}!!!

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