Sunday, August 30, 2009

june 17th - more of the {farmer}

This is an additional picture from yesterday at the farm...guess I forgot to get my camera out today!!! (My memory fails me after 2 1/2 months....ha ha!!!)

june 16th - my little {farmer}

Aiden is really into the farming thing (just in case you couldn't tell)!!! I love capturing moments of him in his {element}!!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

june 14 - a real {major} leaguer!!

Meghan finished up her baseball season today and even got a trophy from her coach (my co-coach).  She thought that was just pretty cool to get a trophy...her eyes were as big as they could possibly be.  Coach Pepper really made an impression on the kids by giving them each a trophy and saying something very encouraging and special to each one of them.  It was a great season and all the kids had such a great time!!!
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june 15th - {helping}

It is always such a treat to have Ray come to wash the windows.  We try to do this once a year - and wow what a difference it makes!!!  He takes them apart and washes inbetween where the blinds are....I tell ya, what he does in a few hours would take me weeks and there would still be streaks and fly spots.  Anyway, he was still here tonight when we got home, so the kids {pitched right in}.  I'm sure Ray had lots to tell his wife about when he got home...the children in the cowboy boots riding pretend horses all over the yard, the little boy who thought he needed to carry the bucket, questions coming at him faster than he could answer them, the lunatic mommy with the camera....I could go on and on.  Needless to say, I bet next year he comes in the morning!!!

june 13 - a meadow of {daisies}

I took Calyn out to the pasture this afternoon and took some pictures of her with the daisies....I know, I know, they are some sort of weed, but she looks so cute.  I thought they were the perfect backdrop for a little photo op!!!!  

june 12th - in memory....

Aiden's first grade teacher passed away on June 8th.  She was such a blessing to Aiden and to Victory Christian Academy.  Yesterday was her visitation and Jory and I and the kids traveled to Exira to pay our respects.  Her funeral was held today.  We are so thankful the 1st and 2nd graders got to visit her on this day in May.  We are honored to have known her and pray for comfort and peace for her family.

june 12th - UNCA Jory!!!

Jory finally got to meet Ella....she just snuggled right in a they both went to sleep!!!!!  

june 11th - how {sweet}!!!

I love that my kids bring me flowers...fresh picked!!!!

june 10th - banana {tusks}....what?!?!

I'm not sure how we digressed to this......

but the morning is always livelier when daddy is around.  Mommy is pretty much all business when it comes to loading up and getting to town.  Our morning routine is not always pretty and definitely hasn't been very early or organized since summer started.  Let's face it...sometimes pop tarts or bananas in the van just have to do for the breakfast of champions!!!  Daddy and his sound effects  *insert elephant noise here* were quite amusing {eye roll}, but at least everyone was smiling and laughing as we headed out the door...even mommy!!!     

june 9th - more {flowers}

The first shot is the butterfly that Meghan picked out - she liked it, but she especially thought that Calyn would.  She is our butterfly lover!!!!
This second shot is of the pots on the front step.  I usually try something different each summer, but almost always have geraniums in the mix.  I love the trailing, bright green sweet potato vine and when Meghan and I went to the greenhouse, we both fell in love with the "diamond" flower.  

june 8th - the {homestead}

We built our house six summers, it doesn't hardly seem possible.  Aiden was 15 months old, I was pregnant with Meghan....anyway, the landscaping part of our yard has been evolving ever since then.  We have taken on little projects each summer and bit by bit I think we are finally getting there.  This is a shot taken of the top part of the rock retaining wall.  Each summer I have added a few things, some have lived and, well, some didn't.  I have two types of lillies, two types of coreopsis, asters, columbine, delphinium and phlox and then in between I have planted some snapdragons and impatiens.  I am anxious to see how everything does this summer.

The Orban Family - July 2009

This is my bestie and her most awesome hubby and beautiful boys!!!  I love them!!!!!!

More updates from the summer to come, just had to get this on here to share!!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

june 7th - the {view}

I love looking out my kitchen windows...there is always a beautiful view...tonight the sunset caught my eye.

Today is mom and dad's 40th wedding anniversary....more to come on this subject, due to a new baby in the family, the "brother's reunion" and a chaotic baseball schedule for the rest of us...a more appropriate celebration and recognition is in the works.  Congratulations on 40 years mom and dad!!!!  We love you!!!!

june 3rd - my little {dumpster} diver

I went through my makeup the other day...throwing away and sorting.  I had put a couple of things in the trash in my bathroom and didn't think anything about it.  Today, Meghan evidentally became intrigued by the unusual objects in the trash and swiped an old mascara right out of it.  I caught her with it and told her to take it to the kitchen trash....well, she did, but in true Meghan style, her curiosity got the best of her and she decided to open it up and use it like a marker....on the kitchen trash bag....she left this nice little smiley face that greeted me later.  That kid!!!!  She cracks me up!!!!!

june 1st - eeeeeekkkkkk!!!!!

Ok, I feel like after nearly 9 years of farm life, I should be pretty seasoned and ready to expect the was humbling to say the least...

I have been enjoying a wren that had made its little nest in a birdhouse that sits on a corner garden shelf on our front porch.  This little wren sings and sings and the weather has been so nice that I have had the windows open and I get to hear her all the time.  Every day, or so, I will go out and check on her nest...very carefully and when there are no children around.  I noticed a couple of days ago that there were three tiny eggs in the nest...imagine my know it doesn't take a whole lot to entertain me!!!!  Well, this afternoon when I went out to peek on the nest I was met with the above beady little eyes....can you hear me shreiking?????  Oh my gosh...the stupid thing wouldn't move...despite my screaming, laughing at myself and dancing around (good thing we do live in the country or my neighbors would have thought I had finally lost it!!!).  So, of course, I ran inside and got my camera, shot a few pictures of my furry enemy and promptly grabbed the longest stick I could find....I was really mad at this mouse....he had the nerve to eat all the eggs in this nest.  Hmphf!!!!  So I jabbed the stick around in there until the mouse launched itself right out of the birdhouse and off the porch {more screaming, shrieking and dancing...lots more} wren came back, but I never found any more eggs so I think she set up shop somewhere else.  Next year I think I will hang the birdhouse out of mouse's reach....or get a cat!!!  

June 6th - "up" and the corner {sundry}

The kids and I went to the movie UP! cute are they in the 3D glasses???  I got some funny looks trying to take a picture in the movie theater....oh well.

Then we walked down the street to the Corner Sundry for an ice cream cone....that is a great place to take pictures....

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

June5th - {pampa's} hat...

This Vigertone seed corn hat epitomizes Pampa Wayne!!!  He wears it all the time and as you can see it has a story to tell all its own.  Pampa came up for supper on the deck tonight and being the mannerly guy he is...he removed his hat!!  Well, Meg seized the opportunity to model it and absolutely cracked herself up!!!  In the second photo of her you can see a little tear by her eye....that was from laughing so hard!!!  She had us all in tears from laughing so hard!!!

June 4th - the girls at the playground...

Meghan and Calyn had fun tonight at the playground at the Irving Elementary School while Aiden had baseball practice.  They were showing off their climbing prowess and spinning abilities.  

I am doing my darndest to get my blog caught up.  I totally lost control during baseball season and have never regained my edge!!!  You may notice that there are a few days skipped here and there.  I will come up with something for my P365 book, but for the blog purposes, I think I will not stress about those details.....I just want to get caught up!!!!  I have some great summer pictures to share, so keep checking back!!!!

June 2nd - {mud} puddles....

It's funny how this....
always results in this.....

May 31st - {recital} day!!!

Today was Aiden and Meghan's piano recital...I think I was more nervous than they were.  I was nervous for them, but also for me...I played a little duet with each of them...can you say sweaty palms and butterfly tummy!!!  They did really well...made mommy proud.  Unfortunately daddy couldn't be there because he was at work, but there was a lot of other family there to watch.  Our only little dilemma was when Meghan announced (after the 15 minute drive to town) "Mommy where are my shoes?"  I couldn't believe it, but she got into the van in her nice dress with no shoes on...this despite the fact that they were sitting out right by the back door.  She would have had to step OVER them to get out!!!  Well, I rummaged around in the back of the van (scary thought, I know) and came up with a pair of red white and blue flip flops.  I guess they worked and after my initial gasp, I had to look at it as a "photo op" and yet another Meghan story to tell someday!!!  I will add it to the archives!!!

After the recital, we did a quick superman in the van clothes change and went to the ball fields for games....the first shot is of the Aiden Hunerdosse cheering section!!!!

May 29th - An evening on the {patio}

I love this picture of the kids and daddy working on the patio just beneath the rock wall to the north of our house.  Jory has done a lot of work on the rock retaining wall and the patio.  I think we are making progress on the flowers.  This has become one of our favorite spots!!!  Nothing better than smores, the fountain flowing and a little family time!!!!!

May 28th - Uncle Richard's {retirement} and little cousin time!!

Mom, Aiden, Meghan, Calyn and I all road tripped to Manchester today to help Uncle Richard celebrate his retirement!!!  It was an honor to be there and my kids had a great time playing with my cousin Jim's kids!!!  We definitely need to get together more often!!!  Meghan had such a fondness for Blake...pretty cute.  

Top picture is Brooke and Calyn...bottom picture is (l to r) Meghan, Blake, Julie and Aiden!!!  That Julie loves {all} her nieces and nephews!!!  She is known as "aunt" Julie at our house ;)