Saturday, August 29, 2009

june 15th - {helping}

It is always such a treat to have Ray come to wash the windows.  We try to do this once a year - and wow what a difference it makes!!!  He takes them apart and washes inbetween where the blinds are....I tell ya, what he does in a few hours would take me weeks and there would still be streaks and fly spots.  Anyway, he was still here tonight when we got home, so the kids {pitched right in}.  I'm sure Ray had lots to tell his wife about when he got home...the children in the cowboy boots riding pretend horses all over the yard, the little boy who thought he needed to carry the bucket, questions coming at him faster than he could answer them, the lunatic mommy with the camera....I could go on and on.  Needless to say, I bet next year he comes in the morning!!!

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