Wednesday, February 25, 2009

february 24 - CSI: Medora

***Not intended for underage viewers****  (CJ you are probably ok though)
So the scenario sets up like this...the kids and I get home for the day and it is still just a bit light out so they are determined to play outside.  I didn't know they were going to go exploring, but....they did.  I am fixing supper and here comes Aiden and Meghan bursting into the house talking a mile a minute and very LOUD!!!!   
Aiden:  Mommy, you won't believe this, but the neighbor shot a deer and it is dying and bleeding all over and it is down by the fence and we need to go check it out!!!!!
Mommy:  *cringing*  A deer has been shot and is bleeding?!?  I'm totally thinking, what is the neighbor doing outside with a gun after dark...and more importantly why is he shooting things on my property...and oh my gosh the deer is dying and probably flailing around and the kids could get hurt...and .....there could be coyotes and other varmits waiting to feast on it and MY CHILDREN.....well I'll spare you the rest of my imagry!!!
Aiden:  *stomping down the stairs*....daddy....there is a deer........blah know the rest
Meghan:  Yeah...mommy....there is a bony hoof sticking out and there is bleeding.....
Mommy:  *more cringing*  Where is your dad?
Soon Daddy and Aiden emerge from the lower level and are equipped to go investigate.  Aiden has a elastic head band type of light on his head that Jory uses looks like something a miner would use.....I nearly died laughing!!!!!!!!!!  
So here we all go trudging down the hill north of our house... all the while I am saying to Jory...if he is out there with a gun....there is going to be some issues....*duh michelle*
Jory:  I'm sure this is a deer that was hit on the highway and just happened to lay there and die....
Michelle:  That does sound a little more realistic!!!

Well, mystery was soon solved by my little sleuths and their very brave daddy....just as he surmised....the deer was quite dead {read:  petrified} and there was no active bleeding....there was a "bony hoof", minus the hoof, that was quite interesting.  And just think....I was there to document this all a la Nikon!!!!
(look close on Aiden's head you can see the miner's light!  Ha ha!!!)

february 23 - a {glimpse} of my Project 365

I wanted to post a brief glimpse of the real life *not cyber* version of my Project 365 album.  This is fun to do and I am surprising myself by half way keeping up with it.  I do need to figure out something for the "week of" cards, and maybe junk it up more a bit, but its coming together.  I am (as is Julie) anxiously awaiting the new lines of Fancy Pants paper and journal cards...maybe they will be available at Archivers tomorrow...I have a gift card burning a hole in my purse!!!

february 22 - {flying}

Daddy was the star attraction tonight as he {flew} the girls through the air.  Aiden is a bit too big, but he enjoyed carrying around Meghan on his back...can you say hernia!!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

february 21 - Chicken Soup for the {Caregiving} Soul

God pushed me right out of my safe little box today....and I survived!!!  A friend asked me a couple of months ago to speak at her women's group at her church on caregiving.  At first I was hesitant, but I knew there were some things on my heart that I thought I could impart to these women.  As time went by, I thought about backing out {coward}, but I didn't.  I am really not a public speaker, but I believed that if the Lord urged her to ask me to speak, then He must believe that I have a message for these women at this time.  This was confirmed through a message from my own pastor a few weeks ago about stepping out of our comfort zones...ugh...ok ok....So I prayed for courage and direction and shared a message today.  We talked about the {heart} of caregiving, from a spiritual perspective...honor, respect and nurturing...and how this spirit of caring can be contagious...then we talked about some practical aspects about caring for aging parents, ill family members and each other.  My prayer is that the Lord used me to inspire and  encourage these women.  I was honored to have been invited and very blessed by their warm welcome.  Thank you for blessing me with your personal stories and encouraging words.  

february 20 - "the 20th"

Aiden has been on this kick for the past couple of months that if it is the 10th, 20th or 30th he thinks he should get to sleep in our bed.  I'm not quite sure where he came up with this...I thought it was an arrangement he had with his dad, and ironically, Jory thought that it was an arrangement that I made with Aiden.  That kid!!!  I still think he may be an attorney someday!!!  He's very smooth!!!
Of note, we had a huge breakthrough at our house tonight.  Calyn informed me that she is going to sleep in panties from now on instead of pull ups.  I was a bit hesitant, but I decided that she has been dry for the past week, so I would let her.  Since I am writing this on Saturday, I can tell you that she was dry this morning {praise God!!} and has announced that she will no longer be needing the ballerina pull ups at night.  Hmmmm...this is the same child that bawled in her crib at 20 months until we put her in the twin bed that matched her sister's...and the same child that informed me in July this summer at just over 2 1/2 years old that she was no longer wearing pull ups during the day (and really never had an accident after).  And yes, she also told me the other day that I should take the rails off of her bed and give them to her baby cousin Abbie to use because she was big and didn't need them any more.  I hope that she can be this cut and dry with many other issues and decisions in her lifetime....I'll have to talk with Jory, but she would probably be a very good grain marketer!!!  Now, I just wish that her nighttime potty habits will rub off on the rest of the children!!!

february 19 - {early out}!!!

I took the kids to Pizza Hut for lunch today...they got out of school early because of parent teacher conferences and Aiden had a "Book It" coupon that he had earned for a free personal pan pizza.  That's a big deal to have your very own pizza.  His conference went well...they have a really neat group of kids in his class at school.  The whole bunch has pretty much been together since preschool.  You might join us in praying for his teacher, Mrs. Melendez.  She has been battling ovarian cancer for several years and recently her cancer counts were increasing so she is starting a new chemo soon.  I know she gets really tired, but she is such a blessing to these kids.  We'll pray for her counts to decrease, strength for dealing with the new chemo and for the cancer to respond to the chemo.  

february 18 - {little} bit of music

Calyn got this tiny little radio from "Grandma Marilyn" her day care provider for Valentine's Day.  She looks so darn cute carrying it around, but it can really put out the volume for being so tiny.  She even had to set it on the kitchen table while we ate the first night she had it.  I think the best thing for her is that it is all {hers} she would say...she is the boss of it!!

february 17 - Nikon {junkies}!!!

Went to Des Moines for a Nikon class was kind of basic, but I still learned a few new things about my camera...its so much fun!!!  

Monday, February 16, 2009

February 16 - Daddy's {drinking} room!!!

The kids have this tradition (read: stall tactic) to get a drink in the utility room downstairs before bed.  This is the area where Jory typically gets ready.  He washes his farm clothes here and keeps his uniforms and farm clothes in this room.  So the kids have dubbed this room "daddy's drinking room"....Daddy's room, but they get a drink here.  Just to set the record straight...Jory drinks only water in this room....ha, ha!!!  Kids are so funny!!

February 15 - Valentine cookies

The kids and I had fun baking cookies this afternoon.  We made sugar cookies and they each put sprinkles some....they love doing this....I love to bake on the weekends.  I'm sure there are other things I should be doing, but this is way more fun.  Just for the record I did get about 10 loads of laundry done.

February 14 - a {special} valentine visitor!!!

I got to get my hands on this little sweet{heart} this afternoon on my way home from work.  She is infectious!!!  Her little smile and her about can hardly get enough....Duncan, the dog, can't either!!!!  I think he would carry her around by the nape of her neck if he could.  He has to be right there to make sure she is ok....cracks me up....

Have to share a conversation that my son and I had earlier today...I hope there are other moms of boys that can relate....kinda caught me off guard....
A:  What are these balls down here?  (pointing to his privates as he is sitting on my bed while I am getting ready for work)
M:  Well *throat clear* those are *pause*  testicles...
A:  What are they for, mommie?
M:  (where is jory?) Well, they secrete hormones...
A:  Hormones?
M:  Yeah....hormones are chemicals that float around in you body and make you grow up into a man like daddy.
A:  A man?  (gosh he is so cute and so darn serious!!!!)
M:  Yes, the hormones make you grow hair on your face and make your voice deep like daddy.  Girls have hormones in their bodies that help them not to have hair on their face...
A:  Mommie you would look funny with a mustache!!!
A:  Will my voice be like this or deep when I get to heaven?
M:  I don't really know the answer to that, Aiden.
A:  Do my testicles get bigger when I grow up?
M:  Uh....yes?
A:  I have been wondering...*oh geez*...why is the top part of my leg bigger than the bottom part (as he points to his thigh)
M:  *sigh of relief*  Well, that is because the muscles in the top part of your leg help you lift things and run fast so they have to be bigger than the bottom part because the muscles are bigger.
A:  *thinking*  Mommie...(pointing to belly) why is this part of my tummy getting bigger?
M:  That is because you eat too much dessert, Aiden.
A:  Oh....(as he jumps off the bed and runs off....)
I now have to wipe all the sweat off my face and start the makeup process all over....but I guess, he got the answers to the pressing questions on his mind...I'm just glad he's not afraid to ask me!

friday THE 13th - superstitious?

I am so {NOT} superstitious, but I hear many people asking each other if they are throughout the day...Friday the 13th went off without a hitch for me, and a special surprise was delivered to me at work *smile*....hardly a day to worry about!!!!

february 12 - preparation for a {PARTY}!!!

We spent the evening writing on the kids' valentines for school and daycare tomorrow.  The older kids wrote out their own...these are an example of the great job that Meg did all by herself!!!!  They are really looking forward to tomorrow!!!

Febrary 11 - {blink} and you miss...

the caption to the photo pretty much says it all...calyn was so proud to find out that she could reach her towel hook...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

February 10 - {eviction}

Today was a beautiful day...nearly 60 degrees in February....that is amazing.  Just a little hint of spring!!!  I knew it was supposed to be nice, so I laid out some pork chops to put on the grill for supper when I got home.  So, I uncovered the grill, opened the lid, and found a two story, four bedroom mouse mansion occupying the entire left side of the grill.  EWWWWW!!!!  Luckily, I knew from previous experiences that when the grill has not been used for extended periods of time I should open the lid before igniting the burners, or there is a nice explosion inside the grill and suicidal mice jumping from every direction to safety *yeah right*!!!  I did hear some scurrying going on when I made the discovery, so I knew there were trespassers still on the premises.  I did summon the man of the house who luckily is only scared of spiders (we have a deal...I kill the spiders and he evicts the mice)....He proceeded to ceremoniously dissect the grill piece by piece (yes the deck sliders were closed....and locked), he evicted the two intruders and cleaned out the grill, burners, briquets and all.  I did get the nerve to snap a quick picture so you all could share in my delight!!!  One hour later, after the grill had been put back together and heated to an equivelent temperature of the autoclave at work (we use this to sterilize surgical instruments) I felt that it was safe to cook our food.  *agh*   I think I did miss the most amusing part of this whole thing....Meghan *of course* was watching intently the destruction of the mouse mansion and didn't even shriek when one of them ran a mere centimeter from her big toe....geez....

February 9 - Mermaid takes a plunge!!

This is the swimming mermaid I referred to in a previous post....she does a wonderful butterfly stroke...problem was so did the girls.  Yes the bathroom floor was covered in 2 inches of water when they got done, but the mermaid was a HUGE hit!!!  I guess the water dries....eventually!!

February 8 - Papa and Nana come to {play}!!

Papa and Nana offered to babysit for us this afternoon while Jory and I went out with some friends.  The kids were so excited to see them...and loved their t-shirts from South Padre.  They got to go to a movie and then to Dairy Queen...ultimate spoiling!!!  
We had a great time with our friends...10 of us in all...we saw a hilarious comedy show and had a nice dinner.  We so enjoyed "adult" conversation and fellowship!!!  

February 7 - the *best* mail day of the month!!!

I am like a kid running to the mailbox when I know it is time for a new CK to come.  The disappointment is almost overwhelming if it isn't {the day}!!   I find it so relaxing to clear my head and peruse through the pages after the kids are in bed.  Just good for the soul and what a thoughtful gift!!  So, today was the "best mail day"!!!!

February 6 - the {finished} project

I know I should have posted this a couple of weeks ago, but just hadn't gotten around to it.  Aiden did a great job on his science fair project...he earned a blue ribbon for his ability to explain his project, relate it to the Bible verse that accompanied it and answer the questions of the judges.  He even used one of his library resources to look up an answer he wasn't sure about.  We're proud of you bud!!!

February 5 - GIDDYUP DADDY!!!!

This photo is pretty self explanatory....this is the {horse} the girls rode to breakfast this morning!!!  *smile*

February 4 - {before}

I have purchased paint to spruce up my laundry room, so this is a before post.  Not sure when I will squeeze in painting, but hopefully soon.  I also have this cool material to make a valence....only a few small problems....I don't sew {at all} and I don't own a machine....hmmmm...still workin on that one....stay tuned!!!

February 3 - What a fun Aunt Nee Nee

Aunt Nee Nee finally was able to find the swimming Ariel the mermaid for Calyn that she has been trying to get since Christmas...she was so excited, but decided that she couldn't give Calyn the belated Christmas gift and not give the other kids something...soooo.....spoiled......(but mommy thanks her) anyway...she found these cool glow in the dark bracelets at WalMart and the kids thought they were all that and a bag of chips!!!  Mommy was experimenting with the use your imagination!!  Thanks Nee Nee!!!  We love you!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

February 2nd - Can you say *haircut*!!!!

Aiden thought this look was so much, but it did make for a good picture that I am sure will be good material for his future wife someday!!!! Love ya buddy!!!!

February 1st - Super Bowl Sunday

This little cheeser and his mommy and daddy were at our house for the Super Bowl. We had a great time...and I'm pretty sure this kiddo thinks that I am nuts for chasing him around with my camera...but he's sooooooo cute!!!! My kids just couldn't get enough of him!!!

January 31st - Just a typical Saturday at the {Hunderossa}

This was the sight I was greeted with when I opened up the dryer on Saturday...quite the variety of {foreign objects} don't ya think!!! No money though...darn it!!!
So, since we were home on Saturday with no where to go...definitely our favorite kind of day....I let the kids play downstairs *unsupervised* while I work upstairs and in the kitchen. I can usually tell what they are doing by the sounds that I hear. Today they were making a fort with the blankets and couch cushions, but after a while, I noticed some different sounds and noises, so I thought I should go investigate. The followinig picture is what I was greeted with when I came down the stairs...yes camera in hand....Meghan was playing American Idol in a very precarious spot....I kindly reminded her that she has already broken two of her arms, so please GET DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!
Then, after focusing on Meghan, I have to check my picture in the camera viewer to see how it turned out when I notice my youngest darling perched on Jory's vintage (read: archaic) speakers. Oh my goodness...get down before that thing tips over!!!
Then, I in the world did you get up there, I asked her to demonstrate.....
Step 1: Climb up into the window sill....
Step 2: Carefully slide across the window sill...bare foot for better traction...
Step 3: Continue sliding until the desired destination is with in arms reach...(notice the clock on the floor that she had knocked off the wall not an hour Jim it didn't hurt the clock since it landed on Cali's head it must have cushioned the fall a bit)
Step 4: Crouch down on to speaker to scope out landing zone appropriately...Step 5: Smile at mom and the camera....
Step 6: Act like a cat and get ready to J....U....M....P!!!!!
Step 7: Jump eversogracefully onto the couch (which has no cushions on it because remember they were in fort position...)
Then I look even further and notice the parachute man precariously hanging from the ceiling fan....darling son takes the credit for that one....It was about now that I noticed the fan was on "so the little parachute man could fly momma"!!!
Here is Calyn showing me her petrified playdo butterfly....(butterflies are her favorite)!!!
Then I notice the arangatang (sp?) *hangin around* watchin the show....the middle child takes the credit for this one....
So, if you ever drive by our house on a Saturday morning and think "boy it looks quite at the Hunerdosse household"...think never know what is going on in the four walls of our happy abode! Buy a ticket and stop by for a show!!!!!! It is for sure never dull!!!!