Monday, February 16, 2009

February 14 - a {special} valentine visitor!!!

I got to get my hands on this little sweet{heart} this afternoon on my way home from work.  She is infectious!!!  Her little smile and her about can hardly get enough....Duncan, the dog, can't either!!!!  I think he would carry her around by the nape of her neck if he could.  He has to be right there to make sure she is ok....cracks me up....

Have to share a conversation that my son and I had earlier today...I hope there are other moms of boys that can relate....kinda caught me off guard....
A:  What are these balls down here?  (pointing to his privates as he is sitting on my bed while I am getting ready for work)
M:  Well *throat clear* those are *pause*  testicles...
A:  What are they for, mommie?
M:  (where is jory?) Well, they secrete hormones...
A:  Hormones?
M:  Yeah....hormones are chemicals that float around in you body and make you grow up into a man like daddy.
A:  A man?  (gosh he is so cute and so darn serious!!!!)
M:  Yes, the hormones make you grow hair on your face and make your voice deep like daddy.  Girls have hormones in their bodies that help them not to have hair on their face...
A:  Mommie you would look funny with a mustache!!!
A:  Will my voice be like this or deep when I get to heaven?
M:  I don't really know the answer to that, Aiden.
A:  Do my testicles get bigger when I grow up?
M:  Uh....yes?
A:  I have been wondering...*oh geez*...why is the top part of my leg bigger than the bottom part (as he points to his thigh)
M:  *sigh of relief*  Well, that is because the muscles in the top part of your leg help you lift things and run fast so they have to be bigger than the bottom part because the muscles are bigger.
A:  *thinking*  Mommie...(pointing to belly) why is this part of my tummy getting bigger?
M:  That is because you eat too much dessert, Aiden.
A:  Oh....(as he jumps off the bed and runs off....)
I now have to wipe all the sweat off my face and start the makeup process all over....but I guess, he got the answers to the pressing questions on his mind...I'm just glad he's not afraid to ask me!

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