Monday, January 12, 2009

More for Project 365

January 10th...This is my BFF Amy and our dear friend and mentor Kenny. We had the awesome privilege of having lunch with him and Debbie J. on Saturday. Amy and I have a long history with Kenny dating back to our first years on Stuart Rescue. Kenny spent a lot of time with us, teaching us the ropes, goofing off, running calls and having a ton of fun. We reminisced about those years...nights at the races, Good Egg Days parades, quirky calls and training sessions...I'm amazed at how those years and memories have shaped me into the health care provider I am today. Both Amy and I work in the health care field and are proud to say our roots and beginnings started (and really still are) right there in Stu - town.

Kenny is fighting ALS with everything in him...smarts, stubborness, strength and soul...he is doing an amazing job and we were humbled to share lunch and memories with him. Kenny...I hope you know that you had more to do with where us two little small town girls are today than you'll ever know. We love ya!!!


January 11th...I typically try to make eggs for the kids on a weekend morning...its kind of become a tradition. So I'm getting ready to fry the eggs and here come Meghan with this step stool to stand on. She does this a lot when I am cooking because she likes to watch. It sometimes frustrates me, however, because I nearly always end up tripping over it. So I said to Meghan, please don't stand here while I am cooking. {yes I was a bit irritated} She replied, very sweetly, "but mommy, I need to learn how you do that so that when I grow up and I'm a mommy I can cook eggs, too"....awwwww.....well, you know what happened....she stood and watched {critiqued} my egg frying abilities. I'm hoping maybe someday she'll do all the cooking!!!


January 12th...Here's a little informercial for ya'll....My kids go to Victory Christian Academy in Indianola....the school is struggling a bit during these tight times, so a group of parents has planned a fundraiser called Kids with Casey. Casey Blake, who plays baseball for the Dodgers, is from Indianola and his two oldest kids are in Aiden and Meghan's class at VCA. He has graciously agreed to help support this event and sign autographs and answer questions from the kids. There are lots of other activities on this evening, January 30th. It is going to be a great event!!! If you need any more info...please feel free to call me.

Well, that should get me all caught up for tonight...have a great week!!


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