Friday, January 9, 2009

Flying, screaming rocket balloons!!!

As you know from yesterday, Aiden's concert was rescheduled due to bad weather in December. Well, his Christmas party for his class at school was rescheduled, also. So they had that today and he came home with a bag full of goodies that included these {flying, screaming rocket balloons}. To sum up the 30 minutes of hilarity these brought home tonight, I'll leave you with these comments...daddy does the blowing up and nearly passes out...."more daddy, more daddy"...they definitely fly, they certainly do scream, but they look nothing like a rocket. See what you think...



Please note the flying, screaming rocket balloons at the top of the picture...{NOT} the laundry, sorting, folding menagere at the bottom left. *sigh*

My little miss Meghan was quite ill today. All was well when I put her to bed last night, but long about 1230 am I hear this horrible wretching coming from her room which means only one thing...yep...puke, bed, jammies...yuck. I felt so sorry for her. Our suspicions of strep were confirmed later and by tonight, although she is feeling a bit better, she has the nice strep rash goin' on. Lovely!! Well, anyway, I wanted to share this story, in honor of Meghan, from Thanksgiving on my blog for you all to enjoy....

I was asked to make the pies for Thanksgiving dinner at my SIL's house. I was more than glad, but a little bit nervous, because I knew that pumpkin was going to be expected. My MIL, who passed away a year and a half ago, made the best pumpkin pies. I had her recipe, but had never tried it got a new crust recipe from my day care provider and stayed up really late to make my crust one night. It turned out ok and I made an apple pie with two of the four crusts. I saved the other two in the fridge so that the following afternoon I could make the pumpkin filling and bake them. The next day I got off early, picked the kids up and we all came home. I fed them lunch and in the mean time made my pumpkin pie filling. The pies were baking and I put the girls down for a nap. When the pies were done baking, I set them out on the counter to cool...

the girls woke up from their nap...

I was in the bedroom folding laundry...

they are in the kitchen...and it is way too quiet...

Aiden comes into the bedroom and {reports} that meghan has used some scissors to sample .....MY PIES......AHHHH....

I tear into the kitchen to rescue my pies...only to see that she has not only used her scissors, but also broken off pieces of crust to gently {DIG} or should I say dip into the pie filling. Oh my goodness....I am about to have a heart attack.

I was so mad at her that I sent her to her room, partly so I didn't say something that I would regret and partly so I didn't hurt the little darling. I promptly called Jory to get some moral support....he LAUGHED!!!

So I called my photographer/scrapbooker partner in crime....and she so kindly says..."I know you are upset, but take a picture". Take a picture? I was shaking so bad I could hardly hold my camera.

I finally decided that I had better discuss this with Meghan, so I called her back to the kitchen. I asked her...what was going through your mind? Was there anything in you that said...maybe this isn't a good idea, or maybe mommy wouldn't like this?

Meghan thought a bit...and then very sweetly said..."Well, God was talkin' to me, but satan interrupted Him"....

the funny thing is she truly meant this...

in all I think back to this afternoon and these comments, how often does this happen to each of us...we know what the Lord wants us to do or say, but 'satan interrupts' and convinces our flesh to do otherwise....

just a little {food} for thought...

oh, and whipped cream fixes lots of boo boos...and the pumpkin pies were a hit!!!

Have a great weekend!!!


  1. Love the pics...especially of the pies. I told you they would make a good story some day! I see the scrapbook page now!!!!

    Off to bed. Love yah.

  2. Ha ha ha! I love that story... And I love the pictures of the rocket balloons! Your kids always give you such great material! ;o)
