Friday, December 25, 2009

December 24th - Christmas {Eve}

We praise Jesus for this time of year, for family and friends and for the provisions He makes for us each and every day. Hope you and your family have a blessed and safe holiday!!!
The Hunerdosse Family

Thursday, December 24, 2009

December 20th - The Greatest Gift

All three kids participated in the program at church called "The Greatest Gift"...
it was a wonderful program with a powerful message.

Can you spot Calyn? She is in the front row under the letter "d" in doing life....

The other two kids were in a different part of the show....

Then we went to Papa and Nana's for soup and presents. We all got spoiled, as usual.

Meghan was patiently waiting the official go ahead from Nana to
start tearing in to the packages.
Abbie was being her cute self today!!!

Drew and Beth had a "moment"....awwwww

Meghan is showing off her horse jewelry box....she loves it!!

And the girls got a camera from Uncle Bryan and Aunt Jenyse....I have taught her well!!!

Baby Ella just soaked in all the lovin'...she and Aunt Shell even
got to take a little snooze together.

Papa Jim is going to get some additional sprinklers added to his lawn irrigation system.

Calyn is showing off her new pjs...

Mass "stocking" opening...Nana went a bit overboard on the
stockings and had to use shopping bags.

December 17th - mamarazzi......

I got to go to the kids' school and be at their Christmas parties today. I was so grateful that they fell on my day off!!! It was great fun to see them interact in their classes and with their friends.

Dear Meghan,

Your dates later (much later) in life will not find it particularly amusing
for you to paint your face with your food.

Love, Mom

This is actually a minor example...just powdered sugar from the puppy chow.....

Aiden's class played several different games....

In the evening was the concert....very well done. The kids all put their hearts into the songs!!!

(aiden was thrilled with his mommy taking pictures)

December 15th - Calyn's concert

Calyn did a great job at her concert at VCA tonight. It is always fun to watch the little 3 and 4 year olds sing their little hearts out.

December 14th - {blur}

yes, this is a blur....

yes.....I have a lot of wrapping to do....

use your imagination.....

December 19th - Gumdrop Cookies

if you have never tried them

you should!!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Decmeber 13th - Gutter balls and strikes!!

Each year we look forward to getting together with the Seymours to celebrate Christmas. It is always to much fun for the kids to play together and us grown ups to catch up.
Aiden was pretty proud of his three strikes in the two games we played. This was only his second time bowling, but he was really getting into it.

Would have thought he could have found something other than a hot pink ball....

Meghan had a blast too....this was her and Calyn's first time bowling. For those of you who know Meghan, how long do you think it took her to figure out just how slick the lanes are??
Calyn did find a ball she could at least lift, but holding it in her fingers was another story.

So she did the granny roll most of the time, but she had great form...only one time did it not have enough umph to get all the way to the pins.

actually it started rolling back towards us..

hilarious to four kids...
My favorite memory of the day

Our girls in polka dot tights and bowling darn adorable is that?!?!?!

Decmeber 12th - Peppermint {stick}

My guiltiest pleasure of winter is Peppermint Stick ice cream from Schwans.

It can't be the pink stuff that Blue Bunny has to be GREEN and Schwans.

It's all my dad's fault!!

Now my kids are on the kick too, and I have to share...{groan}...

Of course Meghan prefers to dissect her ice cream (who knew that ice cream could be dissected)....she was so proud when she presented her spoonful of little candies to me.

Needless to say, I passed on her version of sharing!!!

December 11th - Pony {express}

One of my most favorite things about Christmas is receiving Christmas cards in the mail.
I just love to hear from everyone and see how their lives are changing....

I also love to send out Christmas cards...

so this was my "desk" until 1am...the kitchen table held my organized mess!!!

So check your mailboxes later this week....

Friday, December 11, 2009

December 10th - In the Spirit

We got our downstairs tree decorated last night...whew!!! This is the tree that we put all our keepsake ornaments on. We love to get them out each year and the kids love to put them all on the tree and hear about how we got each one of them. It has become a tradition.

This is the finished product and the kids are trying to put the tree skirt on....

This ornament was given to us by one of Jory's college friends for our wedding. It is always a favorite to place on the tree each year....

front and center.

Love this moment....

can it just last a little longer!!!

Priceless.....thank you Jesus for these precious children!!!

December 9th - SNOW DAY!!!!

These came yesterday.....
BIG project!!!
Your's will be in the mail soon.....


The upstairs tree is up!!!

Meghan was being the "producter" of her band.
Feel free to envision Jory and I playing the air guitar and piano and drums....that kid cracks me up!!!

December 8th - Let it snow...Let it snow....

The snow started flyin' about noon got out of school at 1pm.

We were home by 2pm, they were outside by 2:01pm....what is it with kids and snow?

I know...they have such great fun, but it is soooooooo much work for a momma!!!

Snow pants, coats, boots (with pants tucked in "just so"), mittens, hats, scarfs....etc....all times three. UGH!!!! It takes so long to get them ready to go outside....then after about 15 minutes they want to come and have hot chocolate....RIGHT NOW!!!!

And then there is the laundry.....oh the laundry generated from the 15 minutes of wonderland fun.

Oh well....they did have a blast.

There was one condition....


It was a deal.

December 7th - {ever}green

I always love to hang the wreaths and the evergreen boughs in December.

I got home from work tonight and Jory had hung them up....yea!!!!!

We are hanging on for the snow....

December 6th - Making their lists....

I went to Stuart today to help my SIL Jenyse with her open house. I actually forgot to get my camera out and take photos of her was beautifully decorated!!! She has quite a knack!! I particularly loved the simple elegance...she used just the right amount of color, just the right amount of was perfect!!!

Did I mention I forgot to take my camera? DUH!!!

I ended up leaving the kids with my dad (who by the way is like a new man after having both of his knees replaced this fall!!!) He had Drew, too. I think they all had a good time!

Once in a while, I will reward *read: bribe* the kids to have good behavior by promising them to go to Dollar General while we are in Stuart.

They think is a real big treat.

I don't think they have figured out the Indianola has a DG too!! LOL!!!

Aiden decided on mechanical pencils -$1
Meghan and Calyn chose lip gloss - $1 each
Mommy - a loaf of bread.....ummm.....$2.70

Needless to say, they all found many other things they would like to have, but I explained that they may just have to ask for that for Christmas.

So they promptly wrote out their Christmas list when they got home....Aiden's items are not exactly DG material, but the girls had their eyes on the Snow White lip gloss and the princess press on nails. Can't you just see it now?

These are their lists on the hearth ....

Saturday, December 5, 2009

December 5th - Hodge Podge!!!

Just a whole lotta nothin' much today....about Christmas anyway!!!

I got a few more things out today...emphasis on FEW!!
-see below -

A couple of weeks ago, I was on a hunt for a vintage sled for my sis-in-law. During my travels, I ran across this wonderfully funky cow picture at Vintage Home and Garden in New Virginia.
Isn't it cool....I know, I know you all are wanting a cow picture in your laundry room, too.

It makes me smile.
And smiling while doing laundry is like a"whatever it takes" sort of deal.
So there!!!

Definitely the highlight of the day was photographing this little missie...

isn't she darling!!!!!!!!

Miss H was born about 3 weeks ago and is sweet as can be!!!

December 4th - Slowly but surely..

I am a bit behind with Christmas decorating and baking this year....not enough hours in the day!!

Last year the house was decorated, I had more shopping done and definitely had more baking done. I love this time of year, but for some reason, this year is stressing me out.
{Big Deep Breath}

I suddenly feel the need to make a list. Another list. Can anyone relate?

This was just what I cleaned out of my purse the other day.

Something is wrong with!!!

So this....

...reminds me of His peace that surpasses {all} understanding. So I will hold onto that and not get too worried about the small stuff.

I still wish my house was clean and festively decorated!!!

Maybe by the end of the weekend.