Thursday, December 24, 2009

December 20th - The Greatest Gift

All three kids participated in the program at church called "The Greatest Gift"...
it was a wonderful program with a powerful message.

Can you spot Calyn? She is in the front row under the letter "d" in doing life....

The other two kids were in a different part of the show....

Then we went to Papa and Nana's for soup and presents. We all got spoiled, as usual.

Meghan was patiently waiting the official go ahead from Nana to
start tearing in to the packages.
Abbie was being her cute self today!!!

Drew and Beth had a "moment"....awwwww

Meghan is showing off her horse jewelry box....she loves it!!

And the girls got a camera from Uncle Bryan and Aunt Jenyse....I have taught her well!!!

Baby Ella just soaked in all the lovin'...she and Aunt Shell even
got to take a little snooze together.

Papa Jim is going to get some additional sprinklers added to his lawn irrigation system.

Calyn is showing off her new pjs...

Mass "stocking" opening...Nana went a bit overboard on the
stockings and had to use shopping bags.

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