Sunday, January 23, 2011

a lot going on!!!!

We seem to have a lot on the calendar these days...
I think it is just the ages the kids are at, but boy, 
it seems that from now to the end of the school year, there are so many things to 
remember and do...(slow deep breaths)

on top of any extra activities....

Anyway...I love keeping up with the kids and getting involved in their school work and projects...

Right now we are busy planning for the Hearts of Fire Banquet on Feb 5th...

It is shaping up to be a tremendous event for Victory!!!!
I am helping to put together a video/slide show for this event, which is a rather small 
part to the whole thing, but nonetheless is pretty much always on my mind!!!

The other thing that is going on at the school right now is Science Fair.  
This year we have TWO projects to put together...
hence numerous trips to the library, lots of planning, discussing, writing...etc!!!

I will be glad when that is over...I had just quit having nightmares about high school
science fair and now I am having to relive it with my children....ahhhhhh!!!

So, if you see me and I look a wee bit frazzled...just smile and nod...I'm sure you can relate!!


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