Sunday, June 5, 2011

It's your May update!!!

This was May 3rd...

had a great week of running...

and then came the rain, and more rain, and more...
well, you get the idea!!!

I love to mess around with fun iPhone apps...

Move it girls...I have supper to deliver to Cow Whisperer!!!

It was a nice sunny day and the kids begged to wash the car....
fun times!!!!

 Commemorating a goal met by giving back...

Awoke to this one rainy morning...CW went out in his jammies to shoo them back where they belong!!!!
I wasn't thinking fast enought that early to snap a shot of him!!!  Ha Ha!!!

CW blessed me with a new "family member"...kind of Mother's Day and the rest of the year's holidays combined!!!  I love it!!!

Don't ask!!!!!!!!!!!!  Especially hers!!!!!
I mean who eats the middle out of her crackers and then crushes them all up and puts 
them back in her lunch box?  Really?  ARGH!!!!  This is just one of many interesting surprises that 
I have found!!!

 Not only does this dog like chickens, but he loves dead deer!!!  YUCKO!!!!!!!!!!
Notice the tongue action!!!

We've got taters!!!  

First supper on the deck of the season!!!!

Our new clinic is being built north of town...hoping to be in around the first of the year!!!

Julie and I went junkin' in Earlham on Saturday...the girls had fun, too!

We went to Carlos O'Kellys for lunch...and got to laughing so hard because the guy sitting behind us
kind of resembled the guy in the picture on the wall...
I know...just go with was funny at the time!!!

Took the girls shopping...tried to teach them a thing or two!!!  LOL!!!

 Jory loves rhubarb cobbler, but for some reason the rhubarb at the farm didn't produce much this year.
So....barely enough for one rhubarb cobbler....just like his mom used to make!!!

The supplies....

The end result....mmmmmm

The new area of garden is doing quite well...lots and lots of taters...

The girls helped me mark where I planted cute!!!

 And I have a mole...he better hope I don't find him!!!!!!!!

As much as Jory loves his rhubarb cobbler...
My mom used to make these little shortcakes to go with strawberries...
That is my favorite spring time dessert!!!  (Minus the pop tart!!  LOL!!)

Aren't they cute!!!!

 I like to sog them up with a little half and half and sugar...delectable!!!!!!

 Meghan got to catch at one of her softball games...what a hoot!!!!  At least it wasn't 120 degrees...
she wouldn't have thought it was so great then!

Calyn's last day of PreK....bittersweet for sure!!!

PreK Graduation...

Best friends...these two were sobbing as they were leaving the graduation ceremony.  
I think N's mom and I secretly were, too.  
How do you explain to 5 year olds that it will all be ok?  
They just had such a great year together!!!

Family portrait...

The following day was the older kids' awards ceremony at school...

Honor roll kids getting goofy before a serious photo...

Aiden and Dr. Barker...

Meghan and Mrs. Williams...

 Then we went to the barber shop...and ironically ran into Pampa Wayne...

 Then Pampa wanted to take us out to the Pizza Ranch...
and ironically we ran into...
all the teachers from VCA celebrating the last day of school.
We tried not to crash their party, but you know how kids act when they see their teacher
out in the community...

By the time we got home...I really wanted a photo of the kids on the last day of school, but 
Meghan was not thrilled with that idea...

So I bribed her with candy....

Now that it is the end of May and we have had around 12 inches of rain in three weeks,
this is what most of our farms look like...
makes me sick to my stomach!!!
This is where I tell remind myself that Jesus is my source and not

A little more Hipstamatic iPhone action...

The kids were thrilled to swim all afternoon on Memorial Day!!  It was a beautiful day!!!

I am definitely not a sports photographer, but the evening of this game was just beautiful.  
The game was later and under the lights...
These photos don't do it justice!!!
Go Marlins!!!