Thursday, August 20, 2009

june 1st - eeeeeekkkkkk!!!!!

Ok, I feel like after nearly 9 years of farm life, I should be pretty seasoned and ready to expect the was humbling to say the least...

I have been enjoying a wren that had made its little nest in a birdhouse that sits on a corner garden shelf on our front porch.  This little wren sings and sings and the weather has been so nice that I have had the windows open and I get to hear her all the time.  Every day, or so, I will go out and check on her nest...very carefully and when there are no children around.  I noticed a couple of days ago that there were three tiny eggs in the nest...imagine my know it doesn't take a whole lot to entertain me!!!!  Well, this afternoon when I went out to peek on the nest I was met with the above beady little eyes....can you hear me shreiking?????  Oh my gosh...the stupid thing wouldn't move...despite my screaming, laughing at myself and dancing around (good thing we do live in the country or my neighbors would have thought I had finally lost it!!!).  So, of course, I ran inside and got my camera, shot a few pictures of my furry enemy and promptly grabbed the longest stick I could find....I was really mad at this mouse....he had the nerve to eat all the eggs in this nest.  Hmphf!!!!  So I jabbed the stick around in there until the mouse launched itself right out of the birdhouse and off the porch {more screaming, shrieking and dancing...lots more} wren came back, but I never found any more eggs so I think she set up shop somewhere else.  Next year I think I will hang the birdhouse out of mouse's reach....or get a cat!!!  

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