Friday, July 10, 2009

May 25th - Continued...

This story deserved a post all it's own...not exactly sure how we will fit it all into the P365 scheme, but it's documented anyway!!!

Aiden lost a tooth tonight.  This always seems to happen when daddy is at work, so the tooth fairy has to wait a night to come.  Daddy just has to see the tooth and be here when she comes.  So Aiden lost his tooth after 9pm tonight...the girls were in bed....his gums were bleeding a little.tiny.bit!!!  He had 45 kleenexes out to blot the massive spouting of blood coming from his gums...he wanted to call, we did.  (Can you tell his nursie nurse mother wasn't giving him much sympathy).  He is talking on the phone to daddy, when all I start hearing him talk about is feeling dizzy....I go check him out and the young man is pasty white, sweaty and on the verge of passing out.  Seriously....I can't hardly believe this....I take the phone from him and get him a cool rag and lay him down (we definitely don't need him falling and gashing his head open)...Jory is on the other end of the phone busting out laughing....Poor sympathy form this old ER "hag" and his "crusty" paramedic daddy!!!  HA HA!!!!  Really he came around OK after a few minutes and I did get him a some juice.   

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