Thursday, July 9, 2009

May 22nd - Field trip day....{times} two!!!

Could we just clone the mommy today?  Two field trips in one I must say...I am so glad that it worked out to go to both.  I wouldn't have wanted to miss these special days with my kiddos!!!  Get ready for a picture frenzy...these were just a few from the day!!!  :-)

Meghan's class went to Wesley Woods to ride horses and spend the morning.  She was thrilled to get to ride again!!!

This is Meg and her bestest friend Charlotte...

Meghan has spotted Curly...if you remember this was the horse she rode when we went to Wesley Woods back in March.  Oh, she missed him so, and was totally convinced that he remembered her!!!

Could she be any happier?

Nope!!!!!  The most difficult part was getting her off of Curly...she was not about to let another student ride him.  Mommy had to let Mrs. Maxwell work this one out.  Somehow they convinced her to let Charlotte ride him, so she got off willingly!!!

This was right before mommy had to leave to go meet up with Aiden's group!!!

Aiden and his buddies from 1st and 2nd grade went to Union Park on the Northeast side of Des Moines for a picnic, and then to their teacher's house in Norwalk for a visit.

They had fun playing on the rocket slide!!!

And tolerated a group picture for us moms!!!

This was the group that I drove up!!  They are such hams!!!

Aiden and I before we left the park.  I know, I won't be long and it will be to pose for a picture with your mommy!!!  I'll take all I can right now!!!

This was the 1st and 2nd graders at Mrs. Melendez' home in Norwalk.  She is fighting cancer and has been too sick to come to school, so the kids paid her a visit.  It was wonderful to see her.  The kids definitely needed to be able to give her a hug and visit with her.  The love her dearly!!!!  They have had a great year!!!!

Last stop was the Corner Sundry in cream cones for all, in honor of Gabe's birthday!!!  

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