Monday, May 11, 2009

april 22 - OUCH!!!!!

I'm not quite sure what was going on the Meghan in the night, but about 5am we heard quite a rumble in the girls' room.  Jory flew out of bed {truthfully, I'm not sure I heard the thud, but don't tell anyone!!!!} and went down to see what the matter was.  He found Meghan on the floor in a daze crying.  So, he scooped her up and put her back into bed and she fell back a sleep for a while.  When she got up for the day, she had this black and blue mark on her forehead and a nice gouge that was bleeding.  She must have banged into the corner of the nightstand.  Well, the rest of the story goes...Meghan was a complete grouch all morning...wouldn't eat breakfast, didn't like her clothes....on and on and on....while we were driving to town, she kept complaining that her tummy didn't feel good, but I gave it no place because I thought she was just trying to get me more flustered!!!  Well, long story short...she puked all over herself on the way to school and we had to go home.  That was after mommy went to work and cleaned her up, saw a few patients and tied up a few loose ends.  UGH!!!!  

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