Monday, March 23, 2009

march 19 - {PARTY}!!!

We had a great time today at Aiden's party...there were 15 kids there, including our three...they were so well behaved and mannerly!!!  I hope they all had a good time!!!  We just spent time outside playing - basketball, football, sidewalk chalk, cable swing, tree house...and then the mud!!!  Oh the mud!!!  The kids went on an adventure out in the pasture and found a huge mudhole...of course Aiden and Meghan were the first and the worst!!!  Aiden actually got stuck and Jory had to come "rescue" him and pull him out of the mud.  Yes, I have pictures of all of those moments....
We had pizza, rootbeer floats with homemade ice cream from Pampa Wayne and buttermilk brownies.  The pinata was loads of fun, too!!!!  The adults survived and a big thanks out to Nita, Shanna and Ashley for helping Jory and I corral them all!!!

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