Wednesday, February 25, 2009

february 24 - CSI: Medora

***Not intended for underage viewers****  (CJ you are probably ok though)
So the scenario sets up like this...the kids and I get home for the day and it is still just a bit light out so they are determined to play outside.  I didn't know they were going to go exploring, but....they did.  I am fixing supper and here comes Aiden and Meghan bursting into the house talking a mile a minute and very LOUD!!!!   
Aiden:  Mommy, you won't believe this, but the neighbor shot a deer and it is dying and bleeding all over and it is down by the fence and we need to go check it out!!!!!
Mommy:  *cringing*  A deer has been shot and is bleeding?!?  I'm totally thinking, what is the neighbor doing outside with a gun after dark...and more importantly why is he shooting things on my property...and oh my gosh the deer is dying and probably flailing around and the kids could get hurt...and .....there could be coyotes and other varmits waiting to feast on it and MY CHILDREN.....well I'll spare you the rest of my imagry!!!
Aiden:  *stomping down the stairs*....daddy....there is a deer........blah know the rest
Meghan:  Yeah...mommy....there is a bony hoof sticking out and there is bleeding.....
Mommy:  *more cringing*  Where is your dad?
Soon Daddy and Aiden emerge from the lower level and are equipped to go investigate.  Aiden has a elastic head band type of light on his head that Jory uses looks like something a miner would use.....I nearly died laughing!!!!!!!!!!  
So here we all go trudging down the hill north of our house... all the while I am saying to Jory...if he is out there with a gun....there is going to be some issues....*duh michelle*
Jory:  I'm sure this is a deer that was hit on the highway and just happened to lay there and die....
Michelle:  That does sound a little more realistic!!!

Well, mystery was soon solved by my little sleuths and their very brave daddy....just as he surmised....the deer was quite dead {read:  petrified} and there was no active bleeding....there was a "bony hoof", minus the hoof, that was quite interesting.  And just think....I was there to document this all a la Nikon!!!!
(look close on Aiden's head you can see the miner's light!  Ha ha!!!)

1 comment:

  1. Did you take it to the locker to have some deer sticks made? If you did save one for us. MMMMMMM-good. Haaaaa
