Saturday, February 21, 2009

february 20 - "the 20th"

Aiden has been on this kick for the past couple of months that if it is the 10th, 20th or 30th he thinks he should get to sleep in our bed.  I'm not quite sure where he came up with this...I thought it was an arrangement he had with his dad, and ironically, Jory thought that it was an arrangement that I made with Aiden.  That kid!!!  I still think he may be an attorney someday!!!  He's very smooth!!!
Of note, we had a huge breakthrough at our house tonight.  Calyn informed me that she is going to sleep in panties from now on instead of pull ups.  I was a bit hesitant, but I decided that she has been dry for the past week, so I would let her.  Since I am writing this on Saturday, I can tell you that she was dry this morning {praise God!!} and has announced that she will no longer be needing the ballerina pull ups at night.  Hmmmm...this is the same child that bawled in her crib at 20 months until we put her in the twin bed that matched her sister's...and the same child that informed me in July this summer at just over 2 1/2 years old that she was no longer wearing pull ups during the day (and really never had an accident after).  And yes, she also told me the other day that I should take the rails off of her bed and give them to her baby cousin Abbie to use because she was big and didn't need them any more.  I hope that she can be this cut and dry with many other issues and decisions in her lifetime....I'll have to talk with Jory, but she would probably be a very good grain marketer!!!  Now, I just wish that her nighttime potty habits will rub off on the rest of the children!!!

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