Tuesday, February 10, 2009

February 10 - {eviction}

Today was a beautiful day...nearly 60 degrees in February....that is amazing.  Just a little hint of spring!!!  I knew it was supposed to be nice, so I laid out some pork chops to put on the grill for supper when I got home.  So, I uncovered the grill, opened the lid, and found a two story, four bedroom mouse mansion occupying the entire left side of the grill.  EWWWWW!!!!  Luckily, I knew from previous experiences that when the grill has not been used for extended periods of time I should open the lid before igniting the burners, or there is a nice explosion inside the grill and suicidal mice jumping from every direction to safety *yeah right*!!!  I did hear some scurrying going on when I made the discovery, so I knew there were trespassers still on the premises.  I did summon the man of the house who luckily is only scared of spiders (we have a deal...I kill the spiders and he evicts the mice)....He proceeded to ceremoniously dissect the grill piece by piece (yes the deck sliders were closed....and locked), he evicted the two intruders and cleaned out the grill, burners, briquets and all.  I did get the nerve to snap a quick picture so you all could share in my delight!!!  One hour later, after the grill had been put back together and heated to an equivelent temperature of the autoclave at work (we use this to sterilize surgical instruments) I felt that it was safe to cook our food.  *agh*   I think I did miss the most amusing part of this whole thing....Meghan *of course* was watching intently the destruction of the mouse mansion and didn't even shriek when one of them ran a mere centimeter from her big toe....geez....

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