Friday, February 18, 2011

catching up

hodgepodge kind of day today...
worked on some stuff for VCA, parent teacher conferences, bank business,
dental appointments for all three kids, and ended the day
with a Pampered Chef party.

I haven't been to one of those for quite some time...
I didn't realize just how many of my favorite kitchen tools are from Pampered Chef...
I think that I found some more "favorites" tonight!!!  

I guess I felt like blogging when I got home tonight...the house was quiet, I was catching up on some 
blogs that I follow

I guess nothing too exciting to share, just some recent photos...

A little bit of elementary science fair...the kids were proud of their blue ribbons.

Aiden and Jory had fun building the board...desk lamp, solar panel, landscaping light, switch, light bulb.

A couple of weeks ago, I got to go with Aiden's class to Sleepy Hollow.  They loved snow tubing and
it was a perfect day!!  Sunny and about 30 degrees!!

Aiden had a great time!!

They truly have a great class of kids!!!

The next few photos are for fun...we bought a yummy blueberry pie at the Hearts of Fire Banquet, 
it truly was as beautiful as it was tasty!!!

We also purchased a big basket of coloring/art supplies and this really cool Crayola crayon set came in it.  I love new crayons and it was just begging me to take some photos...

Pretty sad to get so excited over the beauty of brand new crayons...I just about didn't let the kids have them.  It truly was only about 5 minutes before one was broken.  Oh well, the kids have had fun with all the stickers, paints, glitter, poster board and more.  

Saturday, February 12, 2011

spectacular spectacles

   this family is now a glasses/contacts wearin' family!!!

we are 5 for 5 in that category


Aiden has been wearing glasses for over 2 years now
Cow whisperer since the age of 9
Me....age 5

the girls are the latest to join our little club
and they are sooooo excited about it...

I hate to burst their bubble, but just wait until it rains, 

or a ball smacks you in the face

or you wake up one morning at 13 and decide you look dumb in glasses...

I'm just sayin'

I thought I would share a photo of each of them in their new eyewear...

Meghan looks even more grown up!!!   And she insisted on a close up of her dangling tooth....just pull the thing already!!!  I can only hope that it gets stuck in her huge wad of hot pink bubble gum!!!

Aiden is the glasses pro!!!

we're not sure whether to call her Sally Jesse or what...
I typically refer to this style of glasses as the naughty librarians,
she is just too sweet to go there, so Sally it is...

Calyn loves her glasses!!!  We even had to shop around because she knew just what she wanted and we
weren't getting anything but just what she had in mind...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hearts of Fire update...

Our first ever Hearts of Fire banquet was held this past Saturday
and what a success it was!!!!

We were overwhelmed by the support of the Indianola community 
and all of those that attended.

I can honestly say that I have never been a part of something like this...
the committee was such a wonderful group to work with.
Each person brought a variety of talents to the table and the Lord
orchestrated a tremendous event!!!

The dinner was fabulous (thanks to Flemings for donating all the food!!!)
The servers and kitchen staff were top notch!!!
The auction items were awesome and beautifully organized and displayed!!!
The decorating was divine!!!
The speakers were outstanding...(Thanks Dr. Barker, Mr. Gladfelter and Casey Blake!!!)

All in all, Victory Christian Academy was well promoted and totally blessed 
by the donations that came in!!!

Just wanted to share a video with you that was shown at the event as well...


Untitled from Michelle Hunerdosse on Vimeo.

To God be the Glory!!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

A blog makeover and a visit from Frosty

First of all....a big shout out to Danielle, aka The Design Girl, for her awesome
handy work on my blog.  She has been cranking out blog makeovers this week...and it was my lucky turn!!!!  She has an awesome portfolio, so if you are in the market for a little blog bling, I'd highly recommend her!!!  Thanks Danielle!!!!

The kids thought it would be great fun to build a snowman..

This would be B.B. (before blizzard)

There was a whole lot of team work going on...and miraculously, no fighting!!!!

They were very proud of old Frosty!!!

I think he was looking mighty fine...

waving and all!!!

A corn cob pipe and a carrot nose and two eyes made out of plastic...

Well, Frosty survived the blizzard - hat intact and all - 
He is, however, appearing somewhat jaundiced all thanks to
a ornery dog.  

The drifts on our front porch were great for making tunnels and igloos...that is Aiden 
trying to peek through there.

Hope you have dug yourself out and got to enjoy a bit of sunshine today.  I got to go to Sleepy Hollow Sports Park with Aiden's class today...they had a blast tubing.  

And even though it was was a beautiful day!!!

Have a blessed weekend!!!!