Saturday, September 11, 2010

I miss blogging.....

OK, its true.  I do miss blogging for some reason.  Like I really need one more thing to do!!!  Somehow it is therapeutic though.  Like journaling, preserving memories.

I forces me to reflect and to document.  I find that I can remember events better, see the beauty in the little things better, care more about the important things.....

So, here we go.....

The kids are back in school and loving.every.minute!!!!  I am so glad and so very proud of them!!!  I'll share a few photos of their first days.......

Aiden and Meghan started on August 30th....

Calyn started on September 1st.....she looks so grown up.....

Third grader.....

First Grader.....

Pre Kindergartener....

Looking forward to a great year!!!!!!!  We'll keep you all posted on what's going on with us!!!!



  1. Hurray! I have missed your blog! I'll bet you didn't even know I was reading. :)

    Awesome pictures of the kids!
