Sunday, October 18, 2009

june 30th - surprise!!!!!!!

So....we had previously been granted daddy's permission to get "earrings", but had not had a good opportunity nor the right frame of mind to get this done. One daughter {Calyn}, has been asking for weeks to get her ears pierced....the other, yeah...well....she was not keen on the idea. A couple of days ago (when we were shopping for the room redo) I told Calyn that we could get her ears pierced while we were at the mall. THRILLED.....that is exactly how she was!!! So we went to Claires at Jordan Creek and talked with the lady at the store...unfortunatly she was the only one working that could pierce ears. I had kind of wanted them to be done simultaneously, I guess it was now or never, today. Calyn would not have any part of leaving that store without earrings. Determined girl, she is!!!! So she did great....they pierced each ear separately and she didn't let out one single whimper. She is little, but she is tough!!! The kids and I all trekked back to the truck and got in and all buckled when Meghan pipes up.....not to be out done, I guess. She wants her ears pierced. We had a very frank, truthful discussion about it hurting, you can't back out, we have to walk all the way back in there...etc. etc.!!! She was up for off we all go, back to Claires. {Aiden, I have to say was quite tolerant of all things girly today....what a sport!!!} I did give Meghan one last chance to back out, but she didn't want to. I told her that I would hold her down if we had to, that there was no turning back. So.......she tried to brave it out in the chair by way too nervous........sat on mommy's lap.......tried to be brave...........mommy had to put the head lock on........but we got er done!!!!! She cried, but only because I think she thought it was the thing to do and she was so relieved to have it done. I think secretly she wanted earrings, but didn't want to got through the pain. Oh dear......
This is Calyn, sacked out after our marathon day....I like this picture because it shows her little skin tag that she was born with. I tell her it is God's little special gift to her to remind her that there is no one else in the world just like her.
And Meghan.....looking pretty asleep, but actually faking it!!!!!!! Their little earrings are darling!!!!!!!!

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