Wednesday, June 3, 2009

may 9th - saturday on the {farm}

Jory was in the field planting all day today and it was a beautiful day for it.  I felt like a real life farm wife....home doing laundry and tending to the children, preparing food to take to the field, a little cleaning, a little baking, could hear the tractor in the field with the windows was GREAT!!!!  I couldn't think of a better day!!!  Anyway, Aiden went to the field with Jory and the girls stayed home with me.  We put together some hot ham and cheese sandwiches and some other things to take to the men.  Of course, I was prepared for a GIHUGIC photo-op!!!  Here goes....

The girls love to go to the farm with Jory, too.  Surprisingly Calyn is totally all about it....I tried to tell them that flip flops weren't appropriate footwear, but....anyway, they rode a round or two with Jory while Aiden and I went up to Wayne's garage and loaded 12 bags of seed corn in the pickup.  Ok, pick up your jaw now....I CAN lift 50 pound bags of seed and, yes, I CAN get it stacked neatly into the back of a pickup.  Aren't you impressed?!?!  One of my many secret talents!!!
I thought the above picture was a neat angle...look closely and you can see the girls waiting patiently for daddy to come and give them their ride!!
This is a corny family might just be our 2009 Christmas card photo!!!  Can you see me in the back with the camera to my face!!!!
This would be why this child is going to the eye dr. again next week....enough said!!!

This is Jory and Aiden in the tractor ready to start back up after lunch....stay tuned for more lunch photos....

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