Monday, May 25, 2009

may 5th - the {pink} glove

Meghan is hilarious on the ballfield...she loves playing and is all about it, but in between hits and plays...she is making sand castles in the dirt or drawing her name at her position, or chasing butterflies or talking to the other team while they are running bases....she gets a big E for effort, but we have some things to work on, but....she looks so darn cute in her uniform...I'll try to get a posterior view so you can have a true appreciation of the ponytail in the hat.  

may 4th - take me out to the {ball game}

Aiden had a game tonight and Papa and Nana came down to watch, too.  It amazes me how much better he is doing this year.  He can actually catch the ball with his glove and he really has quite an arm.  This age group is really starting to "get" the game!!!!

may 3rd - anything {wrong} with this picture?

Seriously....don't you think that SEVEN is just a bit young to be whipping around the yard on the four wheeler....not to mention the "hoopie" behind it.  Funny thing is, Aiden can steer and back that thing better than I can.  He thought he was hot stuff helping daddy by picking up grass clippings in the yard.  UGH!!!  Some may say that mommy worries too much, but.....

may 2 - fixin' fence...singin' songs

Daddy decided that we should take a little adventure into the timber as a family...he thought he needed some help fixin' fence.  So off we went...daddy driving the four wheeler and the kids and I in the "hoopie" aka grammy's trailer.  It was a fun afternoon, but daddy didn't get much help with the fence.  The kids climbed the deer stand, mommy went looking (unsuccessfully) for some mushrooms, and after about 45 minutes the kids started following a creek that led back to the bottom ground and eventually back to pretty close to our house.  The pictures shown are a few I shot with my old camera...I didn't have the guts to take the good one along.  And then, of course, the serenade from atop the deer stand....she's hilarious!!!!!

may 1 - bottle feeding!!!

This was a picture from the birthday party a couple of days ago...all the kids got to bottle feed a jumpy little calf.  They were so, cute...and of course Aiden had to get those sleeves pushed up and show them how it is really done.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

april 29th - happy birthday aunt G.G.!!!

The kids have some nice cheeser grins here!!!  Today was Jory's Aunt G.G.'s birthday, so we all went out to dinner to celebrate.  Uncle Alan, Aunt Nee Nee, Pampa Wayne and the five of us.  We had a nice supper and even brought in cake for dessert.  Happy Birthday Aunt GG!!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

april 28 - jus' chillin'

Sometimes after bath a little bit of channel 11 cartoons hits the spot.  Just a little time to wind down before bed.  I just thought tonight they looked so cute perched in the chair.  And sooooo quiet!!!  

april 27 - shadow puppets

Our daddy is so funny!!!  He never misses an opportunity to entertain and amuse us all.  *smile*  I thought this was particularly original....

april 26th - a birthday at {the farm}!!!

All three kids went to a birthday party today for their friends - twins Ellie and Noah.  The party was held at their grandparent's farm not far from our house.  I took many pictures of the stick horse races, gunny sack races, petting the baby animals, bottle feeding the baby calf and eating birthday cake.  The kids all had a great time!!!  I was hard to choose a picture, but this was one of my favs.  Notice the horse tatoo!!!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

april 25th - ashley's prom

The kids and I went with Papa Jim, Nana, Drew and Beth to see the Hannah Montana movie this afternoon.  It was kind of a rainy day, so a movie was just the ticket!!!  On our way home, we detoured through Osceola to watch Ashley and Marcus walk in for his senior prom.  My camera was having issues (never the operator, ha, ha!!) so I didn't get any good shots, but she looked beautiful, none the less.  They are a such a cute couple!!!  

For the record, the top photo is NOT what they drove to prom, but as the kids and I were sitting in the van watching the parade of vehicles drop off the couples, this was by far the most hilarious jalopy that went by.  I tell these days!!!!  The bumper on that thing was literally tied on with a bunge cord.  I was crackin' up!!!

april 24th - bike-a-thon

Today was the bike-a-thon at the kids' school.  I decided that I would ride along on the 5 mile ride....with the older two kids.  Don't worry, there was a sag wagon on stand by (thanks Nita).  Aiden did great and rode the whole way in the front of the pack.  Meghan and I stayed toward the rear with the less aggressive riders (lol).  She made it all but 1 mile!!  The top picture was pretty much "eat my dust, mom!!!"  I was so proud of her.  Mommy made it, too, despite not having ridden my bike for many probably about nine!!!  It was a beautiful day for a bike ride!!!

april 23 - braden jeffrey...oooo so {sweet}!!!

Today I had the honor of going to the home of a friend to take some photos of her beautiful new baby boy.  He was so sweet!!!  I am still practicing at my photog skill, but mommy and baby were very patient with me.  I think we got a few shots that are keepers, and I am still working on editing them (posting this a few weeks later).  Anyway, was hoping to have something nice for Britt by Mother's Day, but didn't quite make that deadline.

april 22 - OUCH!!!!!

I'm not quite sure what was going on the Meghan in the night, but about 5am we heard quite a rumble in the girls' room.  Jory flew out of bed {truthfully, I'm not sure I heard the thud, but don't tell anyone!!!!} and went down to see what the matter was.  He found Meghan on the floor in a daze crying.  So, he scooped her up and put her back into bed and she fell back a sleep for a while.  When she got up for the day, she had this black and blue mark on her forehead and a nice gouge that was bleeding.  She must have banged into the corner of the nightstand.  Well, the rest of the story goes...Meghan was a complete grouch all morning...wouldn't eat breakfast, didn't like her clothes....on and on and on....while we were driving to town, she kept complaining that her tummy didn't feel good, but I gave it no place because I thought she was just trying to get me more flustered!!!  Well, long story short...she puked all over herself on the way to school and we had to go home.  That was after mommy went to work and cleaned her up, saw a few patients and tied up a few loose ends.  UGH!!!!  

april 21 - for you, mommy!!!

Both the girls are notorious for picking "flowers" outside and bringing them in to me.  They are so thoughtful!!!  Today, Calyn came carrying in this floppy bouquet of dandelions for me to put in a vase on the table.  Meghan will actually get her own little vase of water and put her flowers in it and on the table.  We have had many dinners with clovers, dandelions or violets for our centerpiece.  

april 20 - a little spring berry

My kids all love strawberries.  We can pretty much polish off one whole box of berries at a meal.  I love to watch them eat their strawberries...I just cut the stems off and let them have at it.  They are so cute biting into them and savoring every bite...sometimes a tiny red dribble runs down their chin.   LOVE IT!!!!