Monday, March 23, 2009

march 14 - greasy, grimey.....kiddos!!!!

Well, since I had to work today...cousin Ashley came to babysit *oh yeah* and the kids had a great time!!!  I hope Ashley did, too.  Aiden was grounded from the TV, so I think it was easier to keep them outside for the day...and that is just what she did.  After breakfast, they went outside and, chalk, tree name it!!  They rode bikes, too.  Ashley served them lunch outside and they continued to play.  By the time I got home they were still outside and not really wanting to come in at, I started working on getting the garage cleaned up.  By 6:00pm I had to force them in to shower, but of course I had to snap a quick picture doesn't hardly do their grimey little faces justice, but they were sure cute.  They could hardly stay awake to eat and there was a whole lot of fussing and whining....straight to bed after supper....and they were all three out in seconds....spring is definitely in the air!!!!

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