Thursday, March 5, 2009

March 1 - Sunday's goings on...

I couldn't decide on just one picture for here goes...
This was after church...the girls were helping my bff's son Cael walk through the lobby.  He is flanked by some hot lil' mamas!!!  {and lovin every minute of it}

This is Calyn in the van as we were waiting for Daddy and Aiden to get done in Menards.  I was hoping to capture some of the neat catch lights that were going on in the girls' eyes.
Here are Meg's catch lights!!!
This is a very out of focus picture of the four girl cousins playing horses and farm at the Machine Shed when we went out for lunch.  Left to right is Calyn, Beth, Meghan and Abbie.  They were having a whee of a time!!!
This is the epitome (spelling isn't my thing) of the cousin thing!!!  These two just can't get enough of each other....we're thinking that Drew needs to come down and spend some time at the farm with Jory and Aiden....soon!!!!
This was my favorite capture of Cael today....he is such a sweetie and I think he might be the apple of his daddy's eye!!!  Although he is looking at his momma....he's got his daddy's fingers clenched tight!!!
That's it for to decide which pic to put in the album - only get to pick one you know!!!

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