Monday, January 26, 2009

January 25th - lazy...{laid back} sunday...

We had a great day today...the kids and I were home all day with no where to go. We {love} those days!!! I usually make eggs for breakfast (today we had sausage, too)...mmmmm.....
I had a lot of catch up work around the house to do, and amazingly the kids went off and played and did their own thing! One of which involved this ginormous box that our tv came in. Daddy made it into a house and it has proved to be loads of fun!! The kids decided they would put this "house" on Aiden's bed and they all three sat in there and watched a movie on Aiden's dvd player (see the cord coming out of the door). They didn't even fight once. Of course here came mom with the camera to photodocument the event!!!
On a side note...Julie and I were up way to late tonight figuring out how to do masks, brushes and overlays on Photoshop....we did finally figure it out...yipee!!! So tomorrow's picture may be my dead dog tired face at 5am!!!

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