Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January 21st - Finishing up the History Fair project - finally!!

I'm learning some things about myself this week...*smile*
a) pretty sure I couldn't home school my kids without a plain ol' miracle taking place
b) patience is very difficult when watching a 1st grader write a "report"
c) my ideas aren't always the same as Aiden's
d) we don't really always have to do mommy's ideas
e) there is some pressure associated with 1st grade homework....agh....(what will jr. high be like?!?!)
So, Aiden's History project on Hawaii is completed. Neither one of us have any wounds to show for it, but it was close last night when he dumped a glass of water on his maps of the Hawaiian islands. Actually, I really learned a lot....about Hawaii, but also about my son. He's got great ideas, he's thoughtful and dedicated. He wants to do a good job!! He really committed himself to seeing this through. He stayed on task (probably better than mommy) and came up with a great project!! I'm proud of Aiden and his hard work!!
You may also notice that this picture is not as yellowish as some previous ones. I am experimenting with white balance and trying to get that concept down on my camera. Hoping it will help my photos to turn out a bit brighter!!

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