Monday, October 27, 2008

Manic Monday

Sometimes I feel the list of "have tos" is so long that the list of "want tos" gets left behind....

Have to: fix supper, wash laundry, bathe kids, do the dishes, fold laundry (is it ever done?!?), pay bills, clean the bathroom, put away laundry (this is for some reason hard for me), fix the kids' lunches for tomorrow, stage the coats/bags/shoes for launch in the am...I could go on, but I will spare you any further ugly details.

Want to: say yes more and no less (sure you can finger paint at the kitchen table, go ahead and draw funny faces in the steamed up window, help me bake the cookies? problem...go get your step stool), read more stories with the kids, more "mama time" than just one song before bed, scrapbook a bit...hmm, what some friends, snap some much time do you have to read this?...

Life is sometimes a hard balance and I find myself far from Shawn Johnson in terms of the "gold medal". Is there ever enough organization or time? More patience, please, Lord!!! Help me live in the moment and not always be on to the next thing or feel like I'm behind before my day even begins...BE CONTENT and appreciate these times...even through the chaos!!! Be content!!!! I can guarantee I won't look into these eyes and wish I had done anything else or tried to be any other way....

Thank you, Lord, for my precious family. Help me not to be frustrated with the pace of life, but to be thankful for the time I do have with them each and every day!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Day 2 in the Blogging World

Trying to dry out today...not too much going on in the fields. This will go down in the books as one of the longest harvests in my "farming days". Although, I must say, I have seen more of my hubby this fall than most. I don't mind, but it isn't really a good sign if the farmer is home a lot during the busiest time of the season. HMMM!!!

We had to have a talk with Ree (#2 child) about how she could not bring her "squirmy", the earthworm, in the house and no, mommy would not build it a cage. I'm sure she found it a nice home in the garage...ewww!!! I admire her caring spirit and how every living thing has such importance to her, but I really have to draw the line somewhere!!! (Mean Mommy)

We are anxiously awaiting the birth of our "great" neice....Joe's sister's daughter is due to have her baby girl any on that later.....I can hardly wait to hold that little sweetie!!!

Here's of few of the latest of my photog attempts!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 goes....

After contemplating starting a blog for several weeks now, I have decided that this may very well be a practical way for me to document my kids' funny stories and share these moments with family and friends. Bear with me...I am definitely a novice!! My writing my not be too stimulating and the stories may bore a few, but hopefully as time goes, I will get better at sharing the stuff you want to hear.